
Hand-foot-mouth disease?

DD has a rash all over her body and face- but not at all on her belly/back.  Her hands are covered in little red dots- her legs have dots- and her diaper area/butt/thighs are totally gross/rashy/blisterying looking.  I brought her to the dr's (we just saw an NP) and she said it was probably a virus and said to give her benadryl every 6 hours.  She said to call if it gets worse or isn't gone in the next couple of days.  She never mentioned hand-foot-mouth disease (I didn't either- I wasn't sure what it was).

I just saw a friend's post on FB that her daughter has hand-foot-mouth disease.  We spent Sunday/Monday together.  From those of you who have dealt with it- does it sound like the same thing?  I'll check in with her dr. on Monday morning, but just curious what others think.

Re: Hand-foot-mouth disease?

  • Sounds likely, but HFM is just another virus and there's nothing you can do about it other than hope it's mild and use motrin for the discomfort.
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • sounds like HFM, like PP said, nothing can be done until it runs its course, keep her comfortable, but also keep her away from other children,, and wash your hands thoroughly before and after touching lo, as it is likely that you can catch it as well. 
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  • Thanks.  The only difference would be how long I'd keep her out of daycare.  She goes to daycare just Tues/Thurs. mornings.  I mentioned it to the NP today- and she said she'd definitely be rash-free by Tuesday, she'll be fine to attend.  After reading about HFMD it doesn't sound like she should go to daycare at all this week???
  • My LO has had it too.  The Mayo clinic website has a good description

    I would add the following tips to pp: the bumps/rash can turn into blisters on areas where clothing and diapers rub.  You may need some diaper-free time.  If they appear in the mouth, be sure to serve mild, easily swallowed food.  Be sure to wash your hands carefully after handling fecal matter/diapers.  The virus continues to be expelled in the stool for months post-infection and can be contagious.  Don't send LO to daycare or expose to others until the rash is gone and all the blisters have scabbed over and healed.  I'd call your pedi and tell them about LO's exposure, see what they say.  My LO caught it from daycare and had a bad case.  My pedi diagnosed over the phone rather than see us in person b/c it is so contagious.  Sorry this happened and GL.

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