Hello all! I'm new to these boards. I turn 36 in March and went off the pill New Year's Eve. I really have no idea what to expect, but I'm definitely feeling both nervous and excited. I was going to just kind of wing it and see what happens, but after reading up a little it seems like my plan might not be the best. I have a general idea of when I should be ovulating, but I am wondering if I should start charting? How did you guys "get started?" Any recommendations for a BBT thermometer? Should I get any ovulation predictor kits? I've spent my whole life making sure I did NOT get pregnant, so I am flying blind here... LOL. Thanks : )
Re: Newbie questions! : )
Welcome! I'm new too.
I have never used opks or really tracked my cervical mucus, etc. I just use fertility friend to track my cycle and symptoms.
Good luck to you!
If you are interested in charting fertilityfriend.com is a great place to learn a lot more and keep track of all your cycle-related info. You can click on the dragonfly in my signature and it will take you to the site. I bought a Walgreen's brand bbt and it works fine for me. Last month was my first month temping and I think I got some good info, but it's also easy to obsess over it too. It's worth trying, if you don't like it you can stop any time.
I do find the OPK's really helpful and I will continue to use those whether I chart temps or not. I buy the cheap wondfo brand on amazon (i test 2x day). I also keep some digital opk's on hand to confirm any possible positives. I save some money that way.
Also keep in mind that it can take a while for your body to normalize after coming off bcp, so your cycles may not be very regular right away. And like the PP said, see an RE after 6 months of no success. Due to my PCOS, I needed help when TTC my DD. I'm hoping that won't be the case for me this time.
Best of luck to you!
DD born 12.21.09, conceived w/ injects and IUI
TTC#2 since Nov 2011
BFP 2.6.12 m/c 6w5d | BFP 5.25.12 c/p
-Back to the RE-
3 medicated IUIs, all BFN
-Taking a break from treatment-
BFP 11.20.12 ~ EDD 7.28.13
My Chart
I got started by reading Taking Charge of Your Fertility. I charted for a couple months and then added in using OPKs. I've been using the Clear Blue Easy "smiley face" OPKs, but recently bought some Wondfos just because I hear so much about them on these boards.
I have the CVS BBT and while the functionality is great, I feel it takes a long time to register the temperature and when it does it lets out four loud beeps.
I hear you about speinding the better part of life making sure you didn't get pregnant. Ugh...if I only knew then what I know now! Best of luck to you!
TTC since 10/2010
IUIs # 1-5 = BFFN
IVF # 1(July 2012) = BFN
IVF # 2 (November 2012) = BFP (MIssed MC D&C @ 8w3d on 1/10/13)
I started charting the 1st month off of BCP. I always knew that IF was a possibility though. My BFF is 37 and KU with her 2nd right now. She didn't chart or anything for either one.
If you have average cycles I would probably wing it for a cycle or 2. As long as you have an idea when you might O. In a perfect world, I'd give it 3 months of just trying and then 3 months of charting. At 6 months you can go to a RE for assistance.
I would do anything to just be able to get KU without making it a science experiment. Charting and OPKs aren't a bad idea though. You just need to decide how much you want to know immediately.
Good luck!
After more than 2 years of fertility treatments, FET did the trick!
IVF March 2012 - BFP! - Severe OHSS = 8 days in the hospital in kidney failure
No heartbeat at 10w6d
FET August 27,2012 = BFP!
It's a boy!
My Blog - 3 Dogs, No Baby