I had a c-section on January 2nd. I had planned on a vaginal birth, but I lurked on this board to prepare myself for all options. I am glad I did. The best piece of advice I gathered from a previous post was that the medicine they give you to numb you for the C-sectopm can sometimes cause involuntary shaking, particularly of your hands and arms. If this happens to you, do NOT fight the shaking. Go with it and allow it to happen as the shaking is out of your control. I had very severe shakes for about an hour after the C-section. I held the baby for a short time, but had to give him to DH because I was shaking so bad. When the shaking was over, I did not feel any pain from it. The nurses had told me that women who fight the shakes often feel very sore all over the next day and they were happy that I had this little bit of knowledge prior to my emergency C-section. If you can remember this piece of advice, it might spare you some unnecessary pain, so I thought I'd pay it forward!
Re: Getting the shakes immediately after C-section
So true! I will say for me they were worse after my emergency c/s with DS1 then they were with my planned rcs with DS2. I hardly had the shakes at all after DS2. Not sure if it was b/c it was a planned cs or not.
(read it. you know you want to.)
anderson . september 2008
vivian . february 2010
mabel . august 2012
I haven't gotten the shakes yet, but I have heard they are bad. I have had to get general though half way through anyway both times because of severe head and chest pain. So maybe that is why.
I get the itching but usually many people do and it is actually a reaction to the pain medication they give you in your spinal and not the anesthsia itself.
Yay they told it was from the pain pump too.
My shakes were so bad, I couldn't hold my LO. They put him on my pillow so we could touch cheeks. The cold and shaking was so scary to me. They finally gave me some sort of shot in my thigh to make the shaking stop.
Mac and cheese lover!
The lidocaine before the spinal makes you itch and they'll give you a counteractive antihistamine drug (like benadryl). However, I was BFing so couldn't have the benadryl because it dries up secretions. The anesthiology team knew all this and gave me something another numbing pain med. I had no itching or rashes at all. It's definitely something to ask about. My guys were so good but my friend who delivered at another hospital got the lidocaine and itched really bad both times. They never offered her anything to help it either.