Baby Names

Can you have a boy named sidney?

Anymore? Or is it all girl? Even though it started as a boy name?
Then and now. How did my boy get so big? 

Re: Can you have a boy named sidney?

  • i see that spelling all boy


  • I think of a girl when I hear Sidney/Sydney

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  • I think girl, but have met boys with that name.
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  • With that spelling I think of Sidney Poitier, but if I just heard the name I would think it was a girl's name.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

  • imagehmp&mrj:
    With that spelling I think of Sidney Poitier, but if I just heard the name I would think it was a girl's name.

    This exactly.  Sidney=boy, Sydney=girl

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  • Sidney is H's grandfather's name. My grandfather that I liked best was Raymond. So I could do Raymond Sydney or Sydney Raymond. I like Sydney Raymond better though.
    Then and now. How did my boy get so big? 

  • With that spelling the answer would be yes. But as someone else said, if you hear the name you might think girl now. I think it is still usable for a boy (with that spelling, but it's something to consider).
  • Absolutely! Dh's boss is Sidney, goes by sid.
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  • Sidney and Sylvia were the thieving couple from Dirty Dancing.  Yes, Sidney can be a boy's name.

    mm 2/17/11 * dd born 4/20/12 * bo 1/3/14 * edd 1/211/15 


  • I prefer Sidney for a boy.

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  • I disagree. I think Sidney has been lost to the girls in the same way that Shannon, Leslie, and Ashley are. If you are totally ok with an androgynous name then it would be ok but I personally am not. To me Avery, Sawyer, Peyton, and Taylor are girl-only based on the significant portion of girls with the name.
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  • Traditionally, yes, it is a boys name.  You see it more on girls now but I wouldn't really bat an eye if I saw a boy or a girl with that name.

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  • imagejelina:
    I disagree. I think Sidney has been lost to the girls in the same way that Shannon, Leslie, and Ashley are. If you are totally ok with an androgynous name then it would be ok but I personally am not. To me Avery, Sawyer, Peyton, and Taylor are girl-only based on the significant portion of girls with the name.


    Sawyer ranks 173 for boys and 781 for girls. Hardly girl only.


  • I see it as a girl's name, but I think "Sid" could be cute for a boy!  It reminds me of Sidney Fife on 'I Love You Man' Smile
  • I have a good friend from HS with that name/spelling, so I say yes it can be used for boy.

  • One of my past students was a male Sidney. He was in his 30s and named for his father, so I absolutely think male, too.
  • I think girl, but it can still be a boy name.
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  • I know of a 6 yo male Sidney. He goes by Sid often. I think it's good.
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  • imagejelina:
    I disagree. I think Sidney has been lost to the girls in the same way that Shannon, Leslie, and Ashley are. If you are totally ok with an androgynous name then it would be ok but I personally am not. To me Avery, Sawyer, Peyton, and Taylor are girl-only based on the significant portion of girls with the name.

    I know boys named Shannon and Ashley; I don't think it's weird.  And as a sub I've seen plenty of male Peyton's, Sawyer's and Taylors.  I don't think I've met any female Sawyer's and Taylor is still considered unisex.  We're also considering Avery for our next boy.  I think Sidney (with this spelling) is fine for a boy.


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  • To me it is all girl, no matter how you spell it.

    Your son will probably be boy Sidney in school because Sydney is pretty common for girls right now.

    I personally wouldnt be OK with that, but its not my choice. I think Sidney can pass for a boy name right now, but I dont think its the best option for you.

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  • image526SadieSadie:

    With that spelling I think of Sidney Poitier, but if I just heard the name I would think it was a girl's name.

    This exactly.  Sidney=boy, Sydney=girl


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  • +2

    I like the name for a boy.


    With that spelling I think of Sidney Poitier, but if I just heard the name I would think it was a girl's name.

    This exactly.  Sidney=boy, Sydney=girl


  • yes but i don't think i ever would.
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  • Yes, it is solidly unisex IMO.  And frankly, I don't care for it on a girl.  Sid does not seem feminine at all to me.

    Sidney Poitier

    Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities

    Sid is actually the name DS1 wishes his new baby cousin was named instead of Arthur.  Not sure where he heard Sid, but he obviously thinks of it as a boy name.

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  • imageChelspa:

    I disagree. I think Sidney has been lost to the girls in the same way that Shannon, Leslie, and Ashley are. If you are totally ok with an androgynous name then it would be ok but I personally am not. To me Avery, Sawyer, Peyton, and Taylor are girl-only based on the significant portion of girls with the name.


    Sawyer ranks 173 for boys and 781 for girls. Hardly girl only.


    Thank you. I side eyed the Sawyer comment too.

    James Sawyer 12.3.10
    Leo Richard 9.20.12 

  • I really like Sidney as a boys name. But it is my male cousin's name so I have a masculine associate with it. I would consider using it if it wasn't my cousin's name. It also reminds me of Toy Story :)

    I think it is very important that you spell it Sidney if you are having a boy. Just like Loren/Lauren.

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  • I only think girl
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  • Sidney Poitier (man) comes to mind, however I thinkAustralia and then of a girl when I hear Sidney/Sydney
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  • Ive never met or heard of a boy with this name-just girls
  • imagequeenbone:

    Yes, it is solidly unisex IMO.  And frankly, I don't care for it on a girl.  Sid does not seem feminine at all to me.

    Sidney Poitier

    Sydney Carton from A Tale of Two Cities

    Sid is actually the name DS1 wishes his new baby cousin was named instead of Arthur.  Not sure where he heard Sid, but he obviously thinks of it as a boy name.

    Possibly Toy Story?


  • I think it can still go boy. I only know girls named Sydney, but I wouldn't bat an eye at being introduced to a boy named Sidney. I kind of like the nickname Sid.
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  • I immediately think girl, my ex-SIL was a Sidney.
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  • It can definitely be a boy's name...Sidney Crosby!
  • imageirish4jan1:


    I like the name for a boy.


    With that spelling I think of Sidney Poitier, but if I just heard the name I would think it was a girl's name.

    This exactly.  Sidney=boy, Sydney=girl


    And another.

    I knew a boy Sidney in middle school...and I know a female Sydney who is in high school now. And then there are Sidney Poitier and Sidney Crosby as previously mentioned! 

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  • imageshelbeans82:
    I think of a girl when I hear Sidney/Sydney

    me too 

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