Attachment Parenting

omg - sttn! and napping! say it ain't so!

I hope I don't jinx myself with this post! Finally, LO has started STTN and skipping her 2am nursing session! I had posted before about wanting to do a Dr. Gordon style night weaning because she was waking up so much, but then she started teething. Well, she stopped teething and for the last two nights has slept straight through for 7 hours from about 11-6am! yippee! So I still nurse her to sleep, and again at around 11 when we go to bed, but now she seems to be sleeping from then until morning. I hope it lasts!

Honestly, I think she is just coming into her own with sleeping. This week we have finally been able to put her down by herself for naps. Yes, she's 18 months. and we have either been napping with her or driving her around for naps her whole life. We tried to put her down but she would wake up every time. For the past few days I have been able to nurse her and put her down and walk away! 

I'm super excited, if you can't tell. That's all, there is no point to this post really.  

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