Baby Names

Name too similar to grandmother's name?

We're working on names and like the name Caroline. I would like to be able to use my middle name, which every first-born daughter in my mother's family shares.

The problem is that my mom's name is Carolyn and shares my middle name that I want to use.

Weird (since we aren't trying to name the baby after her) or okay?


Re: Name too similar to grandmother's name?

  • Well, everyone would think that you were naming the baby after her, for sure. It would be weird to have to say, "No, actually, it's not after my mom, we just liked Caroline." But you could certainly do that, if you love the name that much.
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  • imageCabbageCabbage:

    Well, everyone would think that you were naming the baby after her, for sure. It would be weird to have to say, "No, actually, it's not after my mom, we just liked Caroline." But you could certainly do that, if you love the name that much.

    But ouch!  Why can't you tell your mom that you love the name and love that it honors her?  

    OP is the one that said they weren't trying to honor her mom. If she's okay with people thinking it's after her, then great! That's why I said it would be weird, because having to clarify that would be awkward/semi-hurtful.

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  • Yes, weird if you aren't doing it to honor your mom. 

    If you don't want to honor your mom, or don't want people to assume you are honoring your mom, then you ought to pick something different.

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  • I think you would have problems with people calling her CaroLYN not CaroLINE because they were thinking that you were honoring your mom.
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  • Unless you don't actually like your mom, I don't think this is a problem. She will feel honored. no need to correct anyone.
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  • If you don't want everyone to think you're naming your baby after your mother, you could just use a nickname instead maybe? I recommend Callie, Carly or Carrie? (:
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