I will be 27 weeks tomorrow. Today my cervix measured around 2.7 which my doctor said is "the low end of normal." However, google seems to think it's a lot lower than it should be. Any insights??
IUI #1 and #2 = BFN
IVF#1 = BFN, no frosties
IVF #2 = BFP!! TWINS!!! Born 3/9/12
FET #1 = BFP!!!
Re: Cervical length?
Mine starting shortening at around 24 weeks. I was brought in every two weeks for cervix checks and a ffn after that. At around 32 weeks it was <1, so I was put on moderate bed rest until 34 weeks. After that I went back to work on a reduced schedule until 36 weeks, when I was admitted for blood pressure issues.
In the end, my cervix held out just fine. I admit, it is scary though. As long as you're monitored, you should be ok. Try not to overexert yourself and stay off your feet when you can. That will help.
6 IUIs,IVF #1 w/ICSI = BFP!
Betas, 332 & 856 = twins!
Our baby girl is here!
This is what my MFM and OB follow as well.