this was just my experience, and while my c/s was a breeze there were a few things that never occured to me about having a c/s or that i didn't know!
first, you will not be able to eat or drink at least 12 hours prior to surgery OR the entire day afterwards! i had to wait 24 hours to eat my first meal. the nurses wouldn't even let me drink water, it was awful and i was so hungry! obviously i had fluids running through my iv, but i wanted to eat!!
second, you will not be able to get out of bed for 24 hours. i was stuck with needles, ivs, and the leg compressions for an entire day. the first time i stood up it was glorious!
the constipation is AWFUL!! if i would have known this happens, i would have started taking something much sooner! i was taking everything i could, and constantly asking my nurse for more. i drank prune juice (gross!) like it was going out of style. finally the day i was to be released from the hospital i was relieved. my nurse and i both cheered!
i think that's it! if you have any questions or anything else to add, chime in!
Re: what they don't tell you about having a c/s
It may be your hospital policy about eating/drinking and standing because I was able to drink water about 8 hours post op (and I know I had ice chips in recovery) and was able to eat a full meal (not just liquids) at 12 hours (surgery at 11pm - I ate lunch the next day).
They removed my catheter at 8am the morning after and my nurse had me up and trying to use the bathroom by lunchtime that morning too.
Nobody warned me about the possibility for terrible shoulder pain due to gas. I thought my arm was going to fall off it hurt so bad.
After 2 hours, my hospital gives you a liquid diet until about 8-10 hours afterwards. And I only had the cath and leg compressions for 12 hours. This is things everyone should ask their OB or during their hospital visit. Every hospital has different guidelines they go by.
My hopsital turns where they do the epi into a pain pump. You get the pain pump for 24 hours and it automatically gives you medicine every hour but you can push it extra every 30 minutes. It was pure heaven and really helped.
Before my rcs, I had someone tell me to start taking a stool softerner 24-48 hours before my rcs. It really really helped a lot! And my hospital gave it to me regularly after my c/s. I didn't start taking with my 1st until after my c/s and it was horrible trying to go. I'm so glad someone gave me this advice before my rcs.
Not how mine was either. My c-section was scheduled for 730 and I couldn't eat or drink past midnight. I had ice chips in recovery right away until 8 hours later when I did a liquid diet and about an hour after that I had a normal meal. The only reason I had to wait 8 instead of 6 was my doctor is very conservative when it comes to certain things. I stood up and moved a bit that evening, and had my catheter out and was walking the next morning. I did have the compression stocking for 24 hours but they took them off periodically for me to move.
I had no idea that you could feel gas pains in your shoulder but I had terrible pain right under one of them and thought it was due to my bad posture when trying to nurse dd. Interesting.
I was able to drink water right away, but couldn't eat til 12 hours later. The meal lady brought me the food and then asked if I'd passed gas... I told her no and she told me I couldn't eat. I looked at her and said the nurse said I could eat at 12 hours post-op, I hadn't eaten in 28 hours, damn it I'm eating.
I didn't realize the catheter would leave me sore for a couple days.
Sounds like your hospital had an unusually restrictive policy about postop food. That sucks. I had some juice as soon as I got to recovery and I definitely ate real food within the first 6-12 hours.
I agree with you about the constipation. Mine was horrible and no one warned me about it! I was terrified to poop for weeks on end. Ugh.
My hospital experience was not like yours when it came to food/drink.
I was able to have liquids after 1 hour and once I had gotten back to my room from recovery. I was able to eat the next day.
Gas was the worst part but, going to the bathroom was easy for me because they gave me stool softeners.
I did have to stay in bed until the next afternoon but, once they removed the cath, I was free to roam around the room.
This, for sure. However, to OP's OP, I think that's policy. I found out I was having a scheduled c/s (4:30pm) at 10:30am. I couldn't eat from 10:30am on and they had me de-cath'd and standing around 2am. I could have clear liquids as soon as I was back in my room (6pm?), full liquids once I was up and moving around (2am--thank GOD for all-night room service and the chocolate milkshake fairy) and then regular food in the morning (like 9am-ish?)
He's the single greatest thing I've done in my life and reminds me daily of how fun (and funny) life can be. He's turned out pretty swell for having such a heartless and evil mother.
Same here. I was able to drink right after surgery and I had a light meal for lunch. I was up and moving ASAP - definitely not in bed for 24 hours.
The gas pain from being constipated. It was pretty bad. I did go until I was home for a few days. Almost a full week!
The vagina pain afterwards. I dont know if it was just me but it felt like lightening crotch all over again.
Fluid retention! My legs/ankles/feet were SO swollen.
It's a GIRL!!
I have to disagree.
1) I was on a clear-liquid diet the first day. This included water, juices, broth, jello. I didn't feel much like eating anyway so it wasn't terrible.
2) I was out of bed about 10 hours after my surgery. The sooner you can get up and moving, the better!
3) Drink lots of apple juice and take your stool softener. It was difficult the first couple of times to go, but not as bad as I can imagine peeing after an episiotomy/tear!
It's definitely your policies.
As with PP's, I wasn't supposed to eat/drink for 8 hours prior to my c/s. I actually went into labor and they did my section and I had eaten ~6 hours before. DS was born at 130am; we got to the room at 530am and they gave me juice, water snacks. I ate a full breakfast that morning.
They had me walking to the bathroom before 12pm after. I still wore the compression boots when sleeping for the first night but that was it. I wheeled my IV in the bathroom. They removed the IV the next morning and then I showered.
For both c-sections, I took the stool softeners from the start and had BM 2 days after.
I'm sorry your experience wasn't optimal.
I'm not sure why you weren't able to eat or stand for 24 hours. I was eating ice chips in my recovery room and ordered a meal later that afternoon. I also was standing up out of bed just a couple hours later.
I will absolutely agree with you on the constipation. UGH! I didn't expect to take so long to start feeling back to normal... like several weeks. I was pretty bloated and had a lot of pain in my incision.
I agree about the terrible shoulder pain!!! It was just horrible, and it made nursing harder!
I was SO swollen in the legs, ankles and feet, it was pretty bad.
I looked like death afterwards, extremely pale.
When I went to recovery they gave me apple juice right away but I threw it up. I also threw up water they gave me. So they gave me anti nausea medication in my IV.
I ate real food the next morning. I was HUNGRY!
I had my son here in Germany, so they are different. I labored for 36 hours prior to my c/s, and I was allowed to eat and drink during labor, although I only wanted water really.
I ate a granola bar and had water a few hours after my surgery. Honestly, even if I was in the states still, I would sneak liquids after surgery. If you didn't have general anesthesia, you should be able to eat or drink no problem. Most people are ok.
My c/s wasn't planned, so it was all a surprise to me, I had never had surgery, either. So, I think the biggest shock was the swelling! Even my flip flops left marks on my feet, it sucked.
DS born via unplanned C-section at 40w6d
I didn't have those problems. I was drinking water probably 2 hours later and eating crackers 3 hours later. I just went super slow.
I was up walking around less than 12 hours after the surgery. The IV came with and they took off the compression thing
My hospital automatically gives stool softener with the pain pills. When I ate, I chose high fiber foods and was able to go the next day.
Recovery in general. I think that it might have been rougher for me because my body had already been through so much, but recovery was much, much worse than labor. I could barely walk for days, felt like I was being stabbed anytime I moved (I was taking all of the pain meds), had major bowel issues, and ended up with an infected incision that had to be reopened and packed. I really hated it all.
Oh, this is so brilliant!!! Thank you, this is going on my RCS birth plan. Can you believe this will be my 3rd c-section and I have NEVER heard that simple, wonderful piece of advice???
My hospitals gave me stool softeners and heating pads to help with constipation and gas after the c-sections.
this was pretty much me i was dying for a drink of water, ice chips, anything after the delivery and the nurse brought me ice chips and then water. I was also an evening c/s, since i was laboring all day, so i had breakfast the next morning i dont even remember being hungry after all that i'd been through that day! i'm sure it will suck this time since i'm schedualed c/s!
I HATED walking around because it was so so painful to even move to get OUT of the hospital bed. the one thing that helped me walk was the support of my parents and husband and walking verry slowly while pushing my baby in that lil cart/bed thing she was in
she motivated me!
They brought me a (liquid) meal within 4 hours of DD being born and got me out of bed that night. Those are your hospital's policies, not the standard.
I had to wait until I passed gas to eat solids.
Ummmm, I would check into your hospital. None of this was the case for me.
I could eat (it was a special dinner - scrambled eggs, applesauce, mashed potatoes) that night, after I kept water down for a couple of hours, and the next morning was eat normally. They took the cathater out 12 hours after the c/section and took me to the bathroom to clean me up (at 4am).
And, I wasn't constipated at all - probably because I got to eat.
OMG this. I looked like an elephant and it hurt so bad to walk because my legs and feet were SO swollen.
Also - I had never had major surgery before so no one told me that certain movements would make my stomach sting like a thousand bees at once!
I had water in the recovery room. Granted, it came right back up (as did everything else liquid I had for the next several hours since because of the anesthesia...thank goodness the zofran finally kicked in). I also was able to eat crackers about 4 hours after.
I wasn't constipated at all. My hospital makes you start taking a stool softener at night while you are still there, so that might have been part of the reason.
Ask your OB, I had a different experience with both of my c/s but had the same OB. She changed her policy in the 2 years between. First baby, I had a light meal right when I got out of recovery and on the maternity floor but I couldn't get up for 24 hours and had the compression boots on for that whole time. Second baby, I could eat a regular meal when I got to maternity and while I was in bed, I had the boots on but they got me up and moving by dinner time, I had a 10:30am c/s. recovery the 2nd time was much, much easier.
I have had three c-sections and the constipation is the worst part for me. Trust me, I took every single stool softener they gave me ( for my last one I started taking the SS 10 days before the c/s). I also drank tons of water, ate raisin bran, spinach salad, hot tea, juice and walked as much as I could at the time. All of that did nothing. On the third day after my third c/s, I finally took a suppository. I was able to get relief after 30 minutes. I wish someone would have told me about that on my first or second c-section so that I wouldnot have been in so much discomfort and pain.
I ate breakfast about 3 hours before my c/s (it was an emergency, but, it didn't seem to be a problem that I had eaten). I ate supper about 8 hours after.
I was made to get out of bed and walk around within 6 hours of my c/s. The pee bag and IV was on a rolling stand.
I wasn't constipated at all and had a wonderful poop within 24 hours.
It's different for everyone. But I guess it's important to know the possibilities.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
that was no how my c/s or RCS went at all. I couldn't eat before midnight the night before. I had a liquid lunch (soup, jello) and a light dinner. I had a friend bring me bagels for bfast. I was up and walking to the bathroom on my own by 6 pm that night (DD was born at 10:20 am). I was walking to the bathroom on my own by 10 pm. I had no gas pains the first time, but did have constipation and pain down to my bladder from the incision (so peeing hurt). The 2nd time I had bad gas pains that lasted days after I came home, walking helped that the most. that's from surgery in general, not c/s's. I had no constipation or pain with bowel movements or urination, though.
I swelled from my first c/s b/c I was on fluids due to labor for so long. RCS - no swelling. Also, moving post c/s the 2nd time was much easier.
bfp#4 3/19/2014 edd 12/1/2014 please let this be the one!
beta @ 5w0d = 12,026! u/s 4/22/14 @ 8w1d it's twins!
I couldn't lie down for 2 weeks because of the shoulder pain. I slept in the glider. It was awful!
My hospital let me drink pretty much right away after my c/s. I also tried to get up about 8 hours later but was too dizzy. I was up by about 10 hours post c/s though and they were fine with that. They took my catheter out the next day I think. I am already starting to forget.
My c/s was at 7:30 and I was given water once I was out of recovery. They brought me a liquid diet for lunch and dinner. I was starving at dinner and I begged my nurse for real food. She was a saint and got me a grilled chicken breast and white rice. I passed gas that same day too. I had my cath out around 7 and I got up and walked. I was dying for some real food and they said I had to walk and get my digestive system moving before I could have anything else. The nurse listened to my tummy and all was good. By 8:30 I was sending DH for a cookie dough shake from my favorite ice cream place. I got up and down with DD that night. I knew that moving was the best way for a speedy recovery.
This time I will probably sneak some snacks in and eat when I feel like it. I know - I'm a rebel.
I had an emergency c-section with general c-section was at 5am. I was allowed liquids right after surgery and had dinner that night. I was also moving the day of my c-section, but slowly.
What surprised me:
The swelling - my thighs and calves here HUGE
How itchy the morphine drip made me - I had to take benadryl, which put me to sleep.
How fast the surgical team can get the baby out if needed - DS was out within 4 minutes of me being rushed to the OR.
I ate supper after my water broke
The anesthetist just gave me some different meds that helped prevent nausea. DD was born at about midnight and I had breakfast at 5 or 6 in the morning and they wanted me to drink a lot. It was a soft foods diet though because dr didn't want anything hard on my stomach. My constipation never hurt but I thought I wasn't ever going to poo again I went so long LOL And I was up going to the NICU in about 3 hours, catheter, IV and all. All that stuff depends on the hospital.
I didn't realize how freaking bad it would hurt and for how long. I had trouble catching my breath when I tried to walk. All that "the sooner you move" advice. Phft! And no one understood because everyone else had an easy recovery. It was like people thought I was milking it.
I didn't expect every person who walked in my room to ask if I passed gas! I started to wonder if I was going to get a prize for it LOL
I had no clue how low they cut you. The nurse shaved me, after I'd already done it myself earlier...didn't get the hedging trimmed quite low enough apparently.
I didn't have one bit of swelling while pregnant and it was so bad after the c/s I called the dr. It hurt so bad to walk and after sitting my feet would swell worse.
And I wasn't prepared for how the respiratory staff doesn't give a rip you were just chainsawed in half. They still want you to suck that stupid machine and cough. I finally flat our refused the coughing. I'd rather chance the pneumonia honestly.