so of course I have 28 diapers. all the same brand. (I know, I know!) anyways my LO recently got really chunky and is crawling, walking along the furniture, etc. he keeps getting like a bad chafing/rub burn on his inner thighs in the leg elastic area. both in and outside the diaper. I really think it is from the leg elastics being too tight. this is more than just red marks. it is really bad. I had him in sposies for 2 days and the same thing is happening. the elastic seems so tight! even though the sposies were for 16 - 28 lbs and my LO is 22 lbs. I am now trying to keep the velcro really loose hoping that helps the legs but I can only go so loose w/o getting leaks, etc. his waist is pretty small compared to his thighs. this is crazy!!!!!
so will things go back to normal soon and his thighs will thin out and the dipes will fit better again?? this has been going on for a month now.....
a friend is lending me two fuzzibunz OS to try. I am hoping with just the two I can see if the looser/adjustable leg elastic helps. but then what do I do?! sell my whole stash and try to buy CDs with adjustable leg elastic?
am I stressing way too much over this?? my poor babe had two sores on his inner thighs from the elastic rubbing
he has been wearing these diapers for almost 5 months. his thighs look best first thing in the AM in his ridiculously fat fitted with extra inserts with a pul cover. I don't think it's a laundry issue - since those dipes are fine.
Re: leg elastic dilemma... help!
I only have 4 fitteds, b/c they are solely for night time. and I think the elastic on them and the cover could never be too tight b/c I have so many hemp inserts stuck in the fitted!! but maybe if they didn't have the inserts, etc they would be? I don't have enough to use them for daytime.