Ok. I have watched the videos, read the FAQ, thought and thought and thought. I have been lurking on here for a while and i know it gets old to answer all the noobs where do I start q's. So if you would please humor me (or don't if you're sick of it)....
What is your #1 reason that you love CDing?
What is your #1 reason you don't like CDing?
*Don't be afraid to repeat what may sound like the same answer as the last person. It will only solidify the point. TIA : )
Re: Your #1
I like everything. My #1 is probably not having to deal with gross disposables.
There is nothing I don't like.
Love: Health benefits to my LO - I think CD's are way better for her than all the chemicals in disposables. They are also really cute!
Dont like: I've become semi addicted and therefore don't think I'm saving much money. Also, I wish they were more mainstream so people didn't look at me like I have two heads when I tell them I use cloth.
Thanks for the responses ladies. I would still love to hear more : ) I have heard that it becomes an addiction which in turn loses the money saving effect. I did not know however they contain the smell so much morethan sposies.
I just signed up for a CDing class. I can't wait for this Saturday.
Keep your #1's comin!
1. Cuteness
1. Learning curve
All the PPs reasons are my #1s to. First and foremost, better for my DS. They are cute, fluffy and environmentally friendly. I do spend a bit on them because I have no self control LOL. I actually enjoy doing diaper laundry. I know...lame!
The # 1 dislike- getting crap from others when they haven't even tried it.
Tyler is going to be a big brother!
#1 favorite - not having to throw anything away. There have been so many times when DD pees or poops directly onto a new diaper, usually before we even have it fastened onto her or covered. When that happens we just laugh, throw it in the pail, and get another one, and I think, "Thank goodness we aren't paying for [or putting into the garbage] disposables!!"
There is truly nothing I don't like about it. I haven't had anyone respond negatively to me for deciding to CD; they just ask questions about it or say they couldn't/wouldn't do it themselves. I have spent sorta a lot of money buying some nicer ones as time has gone on, but that doesn't bother me either since we plan to have more kids and use the diapers again.
Jess & Adam, married 2009, precious Audrey born in 2011. BFP 1/6/13, 6-wk MMC discovered at 9 wks 2/11/13. D&C 2/18/13, second D&C 4/23/13 for retained placenta.
BFP 8/24/13!! EDD 5/1/14, delivered healthy and sweet Zoey Leanne on 5/5/14 by repeat c-section.
#1 favorite (I have yet to do it, as I'm a future FTM)--I really love the price!! I like buying everything and having it and never having to worry about going out and getting diapers or budgeting for diapers throughout the month.
#1 least favorite--The fact that ever other mother out there who doesn't CD tells me how HARD it will be and how crazy I am for doing it.
It saves so much money!!! (I'm a penny pincher ) In the beginning I thought it would be hard, but it has actually been really easy, and I have never once regretted doing cloth instead of disposables. My daughter also loves them, she gives us funny looks when we put a disposable on her for when she has a rash.
There really isn't anything I can think of that I don't like about it... When I first started using the diaper sprayer I made a few messes in the bathroom, but I have that down good now, so it doesn't even both me!
1) Not exposing my babies bum and lady parts to the chemicals in disposables. Not adding to landfills.
2) There is nothing I don't like about it. MH and I both LOVE that we chose to CD. We had to use disposables for a few days when we first brought her home and realized we didn't like 99% or our stash. It sucked having to run to the store to pick up more dipes. Now that we have a load of our favorites (kissaluvs AIO) we just do a load a laundry every day and we never have to worry about "running out".
b2b Injectable IUI #1 7/25/10 & 7/26/10 = BFP beta 14dpIUI = 133 MC 9/14 at 9 weeks
b2b Injectable IUI #2 12/5/10 & 12/6/10 = BFN
IVF #1 ER 3/28/11 ET 3 embryos 3/31/11= BFN
b2b Injectable IUI#3 6/28/11 & 6/29/11 = BFN
Submitted Adoption Application on 6/1/2011
Homestudy 7/19/2011
IVF#2 CX due to Adoption Match
We were blessed with our daughter through the gift of adoption
IVF #2.1 ET 2 embryos 2/14/13 7 frosties
No blowouts! Seriously, not having to change an entire outfit with the diaper is great.
Nothing really that I don't like. I don't love spraying out poopy diapers after daycare but it's a price I gladly pay for the joy of CDing.
I live in Pittsburgh too. Happy Baby Co. is awesome to deal with....and they price match. They are very helpful in the store. Have fun on Saturday!
Your questions, my answers:
I love to CD because its better for DS, cheaper, cuter and way more absorbent than sposies.
Sometimes, I dread laundry day only because it takes so long (3 cycles basically). However, I do feel accomplished when its done
I did initially fall into the CD obsession when I started but I haven't bought DS a new diaper in months. We are still at the point where we have saved money. We will save even more when I reuse the diapers for baby #2.
And, like someone else said, I wish cloth wasn't so foreign to others. My neighbors with small children think I am completely weird for doing it. I think my pedi agrees too.
love- they are so soft and squishy and fantastic, and I know that is much more comfortable for my DS than paper. Also because I know exactly what is on his little body. No chemicals or nasty gel crap.
dislike- the crap I get from people who don't cloth diaper. They look at me crazy and tell me how disgusting it is, when they've never even done it/seen it done. And honestly, it's not much different from using disposables. You still have to clean up poop either way.
I love the cute prints, the fact that my DD isn't exposed to chemicals, and I really, really like the environmental factor.
The learning curve is one thing I am not too fond of. DD has a rash currently and I am having to try a million different things to figure out what works (changing detergents, finding cloth diaper safe diaper creams, etc.).
Overall, I am SO glad that DH and I made this decision! BTW, we also took a cloth diapering class and I found it so worthwhile.