hi ladies...i know i have seen this thread but not in a while...i have a room for each baby but my plan is to START them in the same room and probably even the same crib but the minute they start interfering with each other's sleep patterns, i will move them...
what did all of you ladies do or what are you doing?
and for those who have them in the same room how did the sleeping go? nap routines? did they wake each other? or did they get used to one another's noises...?
thanks so much!!
Re: same room ??
Mine shared a crib, now a room. No issues with sleeping. Most of the time, one just powers through while the other one screams.
4 Fresh IVF cycles + 1 FET where embies didn't survive the thaw = 2 perfect little men!
sFET 11/9/11 - Beta 11/18 BFP!
ITA. Sometimes they wake each other up but that's okay. I just change/feed/comfort both and that usually holds them both for the rest of the night. Plus, we simply don't have the space to separate them, so they need to get used to sharing.
My girls have been in a shared room since day 1. They did not share a crib though. I like it that way. In the beginning it was easier to have a shared room because then you only had 1 changing table to keep supplied and you only need 1 monitor. We had a little loveseat in the girls room and DH and I would sit together to feed them in the middle of the night.
They learned pretty quickly to sleep through each others crying. Even now at 3 1/2 if one gets sick in the middle of the night, I am able to clean up the sick kid and change sheets and such with the light on without waking the other child.
Same here. William has had 2 nights that he's woke up screaming (not crying, screaming) and Jacob's slept right through it.
that's fabulous!!