Cloth Diapering

I may be a CD convert...

I've always thought about CDing, but was overwhelmed by the choices, instructions, upfront cost, etc., so we have been using disposables with both kids.  Well, DS #2 is a major heavy wetter and we have always needed to put him in diapers bigger than his real size/weight.  He still pees through his huggies nightime, so I convinced DH that I should try a cloth options since I can add absorbancy.  I first just tried diaper covers over the disposable.  Major leak fest!  So I ordered some Super do inserts and a gently used BG 4.0.  The BG came yesterday, but not my Super dos, so I tried the dipe with the BG MF inserts.  The second insert I folded over and stuffed in the front.  This morning the jammies, sleep sack, and sheets were dry!!  I could tell that the diaper was going to be super full since DS decided he needed a 3am feeding, which he normally doesn't.  The BG tag on the outside was wet, but the rest of the outside was dry.  The inserts are soaked to the bone, but I'm hoping the Super dos will fix that. 

Now I'm hoping I can transition DS/DH into full time CDing.  But I may need to go for a hybrid during the day if I want DH to change diapers ;)

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