We just found out we're having another girl, and our favorite name is Imogen. DH is totally convinced this is the right name, and although I like it and it's growing on me, I am concerned that A) it's a bit too "out there' and it will become really popular, since Nameberry just put it on it's 2012 list as #6 (which I find amazing, since it's never been in the top 1000 in the US). We really want something uncommon but not weird or made-up.
Our last name is 1 syllable and sounds like, but is not, Moore. I thought of Imogen Kate, Imogen Alice and Imogen Rose (DH's grandmother was Rose and I am typically not a fan because I think it sounds so generic, but he likes it). I am also considering 2-syllable MNs but I can't think of any that sound right.
DD1 is Gemma Evangeline.
So...please give me your thoughts on my popularity concerns and mn suggestions. TIA.
ETA Imogen pronounced Im-a-jen, not Im-a-jeen
Re: Middle Name Help
We def. won't shorten Imogen to "Gen" since we call Gemma "Gem". One of the reasons I thought of Imogen Kate would be to use "Cricket" as a NN for Kate. I know many people on this board don't like NNs but I do and I def. don't like "Moe" for Imogen. Thanks for your opinion!
Of your options I like Imogen Kate.
However, I also like lots of syllables so I'll offer:
Imogen Victoria
Imogen Veronica
Imogen Bernadette
Imogen Lorraine
Imogen Magdalena
Imogen Georgiana
I love Imogen/e and am so jealous because DH hates it!! You are so lucky. And it goes great with Gemma.
Of your MN picks, I like Kate and Alice the best. Another two syllable option to try might be Lily.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.