I love how here in NJ we get 4 weeks off before the due date...anyone know exactly how this works? My due date is April 11th which falls on a Wednesday....does that mean my last day of work would be Tuesday, March 13? My company already knows I'm planning 4 weeks before the due date, I just wasn't sure how that worked if your due date falls in the middle of the week....
Just realized I only have about 10 weeks of work left and then will be out until end of August....soooo excited!
Re: 4 weeks off before due date
Hmm..I'm trying to figure out my maternity leave situation too. I'm in busy season right before I'm due so I need to work pretty much up until I'm about to have the baby. Easter is April 8th this year so I'll be really busy right before then and a little after..I was originally due May 1st but now they're saying the end of April. Eek!! I don't know..Since I'm not taking those prior weeks off before..do I get to stack those onto after?? So confused!
NJ Short Term Disability (is that what you are referring to?) allows you 4 weeks prior to birth, not prior to your due date. If you leave at 36 weeks but deliver at 41 or 42, you lose the extra time.
Also, you have to be written out by your doctor. Some OBs are easier than others with this. Mine wrote me out at 36w exactly at my request (I walk 6 blocks to work in Philadelphia and I was in a lot of pain) but my SILs OB wouldn't write her out at all (she had no "issues" that kept her from being able to sit at a desk and work).
Good luck!
No, because it's not time that's "owed" to you, it's disability. If contine to work (as many women do, because disability is usually only a % of your salary, not your entire salary) you can't add it on to the post-birth disability.
You aren't more "disabeled" after giving birth just because you didn't use the 4 weeks before hand.
Now this is just for the state benefits, your individual employer may have different post-birth disability benefits, and you should contact your HR rep ASAP to figure it out. There's nothing worse then finding out your leave/benefits are less than what you expected.
Let me ask this, I know a lot of girls on here go to Garden State in Voorhees. Anyone know if they are the type that automatically write you out at 36 weeks?
I'm thinking they do, only because at my last appointment, they mentioned they were moving my due date up a week based on baby's size......first thing I asked was, does this mean I get out of work earlier? They laughed and said yep!
They're pretty flexible. I asked Dr. Ricci when I could go out and she said "how about now?" I was 37 weeks and a few days at that point. I went out at 38 weeks, delivered at 41 weeks.
I had 2 weeks prior to delivery and 6 weeks after delivery (I delivered vaginally). After I was off STD, I then took the additional 6 weeks paid through NJ Family Leave Insurance. In total I didn't go back to work until DD was 12 weeks.
Just a heads up: Your employer may have a private short disability plan though so check with your HR rep.
If you work in PA, how did you qualify for NJ Short-Term disability? I ask because I live in NJ and also work in the city. My company has a short-term disability plan, which does not cover any pre-due date time off. I'm curious if I am somehow also covered by the NJ plan?
I don't get the NJ coverage, but I had to be written out to go out on FMLA prior to my due date.
I used NJ STD with my first pregnancy, not my 2nd or 3rd since I was working in PA. Unfortunately it matters where you work, not live, so we don't get any of the NJ benefits
Thanks! That's what I thought! I wasn't sure if rules had changed since I had my first 3.5 years ago