We're not 100% settled and its too early to be anyway but I was thinking I'd see what people thought anyway.
For a girl we like Paisly LeMae (pronounced like LA-MAY) THe middle name is a combo of my sisters middle name (LeeAnne) and DH's sisters middle name (Mae)
For boy we like Brett Mitchell which is my dad's and DH's dad's middle names put together.
I'll take the good with the bad, tell me what you think?
Re: Wanna see what kinda feed back I get.
Brett Mitchell is cute (kinda reminds me of Brett Michaels, who is a wrestler)
I'm not a fan of your girl name - just not my style at all. I also don't like smoosh names like LeMae - I would just choose Mae, personally.
OK, since you asked for opinions, I hope you aren't offended but...
I REALLY dislike Paisley LeMae. It makes me think of that tacky shiny fabric (lame...sorry not sure how to put the mark over the e), with a paisley print on it.
Brett Mitchell are nice separately but together make me think of Brett Michaels.
ETA: https://www.theatrehouse.com/mm5/graphics/00000001/8579-paisley-lame-fabric.jpg
Cole Joseph 7/05/07
Nora Anne 11/03/12
9lbs, 6oz
I may go down in Bump flames here but..I actually don't mind Paisley. However, I prefer it Paisley than Paisly. LeMae is a smoosh name but I like the meaning and it's a middle name so I can accept it.
Brett Mitchell is a very nice solid name. Normal, spelled right, but not overdone. Brett isn't necessarily for me but it's a good name pick.
The girl's name seems completely made up. Are you intending to spell Paisley without the "e" or is that a typo? And while I think it's nice you want to honor the sisters, this seems a bit silly and forced to me. I think you should pick one and save the other for the next daughter.
The boy's name is fine, but I thought it said Brett Michael at first, which obviously reminds me of the 90s hair band singer. Not what I'd be going for, but again, it's nice to use the dad's middle names. I have to ask though, do you really like the name? Or are you going with it just because of the family reference?
I think Paisly LeMae is a bit weird, honestly. BUT, I also dont really mind it. Weird isn't necessarily bad.
Brett Mitchell sounds nice, and has nice meaning, but I just keep seeing Brett Michaels.... That said, if I knew you and your LO, I'm sure the wrestler association would soon fade.
Brett Mitchell is nice.
Paisly LeMae is just terrible in my opinion. First, "Paisly" is not spelled correctly. Second, no grown woman wants to be named after printed fabric...paisley being the pattern, lam? (sounds like "LeMae") being shiny, cheap looking fabric.
NMS. LeMae I associate with "Lamay" which is a shiny tacky fabric. How about just Mae as her middle name?
And Paisley with an "e".
I like Brett a lot.
FYI- Shawn Michaels is the wrestler. Brett Michaels is the signer from Poison.
Don't really like either. Brett Mitchell is ok. Definitely don't like Paisly (spelled that way for sure).
I like your boy name, for starters.
Edit: Brett Michaels was on Rock of Love, right? I knew there was something vaguely familiar about the name! I actually do really like the name Brett, though.
Paisley LeMae- there is no way in the alphabet that LeMae is pronounced La-may. As a French teacher, seeing that made me want to cry. Sorry. Furthermore, La-may sounds like lam?, as in the shiny 80's fabric. Go with one or the other for the middle name, LeeAnne or Mae (I personally prefer Mae), but please, please, please don't name her LeMae and pronounce it La-may.
Paisley is not my favourite, but it's ok I guess. Something else to consider, though- Paisley Lam? sounds like a shiny, tacky paisley printed fabric.
Paisley LaMae is destined for the pole, sorry to day. Paisley isn't a name, it's a pattern on a fabric. I like you're intent with LaMae but it's bad. Like PP mentioned, I think of gold lame' fabric which is just as tacky as the name.
Brett is NMS but it's not awful by any means. I love Mitchell!! I agree though, the names together remind me of Brett Michaels.
love is for every her, love is for every him, love is for everyone
Haha, it's funny you said that, after I replied the first time, I thought "Argyl VeLour."
Paisly LaMae= trainwreck. Paisly is way too cutesy, and smoosh names are terrible, sorry. If you did Paisly Mae I could at least tolerate.
Brett Michael is ok. It's normal, and correctly spelled.
I dont like paisley and I hate LeMay. I would suggest using two middle names if incorporating both names is important to you.
Like everyone else, I first thought of Brett Micheals when I saw Brett Mitchell. Obviously he wouldn't be called his full name all the time, so I don't think it's a big deal.
I'm with everyone else...
Brett Mitchell is nice. I do think of Brett Michaels, but it's not that big a deal. I like that it's honoring your dads.
Paisly Lamae is a hot mess. I think Paisly sounds really childish. And both of them being a fabric is completely off-putting. And the smoosh MN is lame. Choose one or the other, or give her two MNs.
And this is none of my business (at all), but is there a reason you want to name the baby after your sisters instead of your mothers? It seems odd to me to have one name chosen for parents and another for siblings.
DD's name is from DH's aunt, and if we had a boy his MN would be from my grandfather. I don't think it's weird.
If I were you, I would just give her two middle names. To me, Paisley is not a name.
As for Brett- it is a very nice name. I right away thought Brett Michaels, but honestly how many people are going to call him by his full name?
Good luck!
OUCH. I thought I would have some people disagree but I didn't think they were "awful"/"horrible". I did mean to put the "e" in Paisley so that was an oops. I used the sister's names because my mother and I don't get along very well. She's (for lack of a better word) a B****. I really like the LeMae because its so special to us and its got a meaning behind it. I had no idea it had anything to do with fabric. I know nothing about that stuff. I knew the names needed to be special to US and not really the rest of the world. lol Now I know why we decided not to tell the family until the baby arrives. I really like them both and DH does as well. We do have other things in mind but that was just our top of the list.
Thanks any way
Just realize that the rest of the world does, and your kid will have to deal with that association for life.
I agree the most with this.
LeMae does not say La-May.
Brett Mitchell DOES remind me of Bret Michaels (yes, the singer from Poison who was also on Rock of Love)...but only at first glance. It wouldn't bother me.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
Thank you. I appreciate a bit of positive. This was kind of what I expected. Like you don't care for it (LeMae) but you didn't come up with every problem in the book to make it sound awful. Thanks.
love the name its on my list too
and it is a name its on here for one and Ive heard it 2x this month once on a cartoon lol and a disney show
Brett is nice too
go with what you like , most of this board is very aganinst anything different
Paisley: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=&q=paisley&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=2888l4073l0l6689l4l3l0l0l0l0l419l426l1.4-1l2l0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=k48ET9rlFqbZ0QGa_eV_&biw=1366&bih=643&sei=nY8ET_i4OeXe0QHprpmZAg
Lame: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=&q=paisley&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=2888l4073l0l6689l4l3l0l0l0l0l419l426l1.4-1l2l0&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=k48ET9rlFqbZ0QGa_eV_&biw=1366&bih=643&sei=nY8ET_i4OeXe0QHprpmZAg#um=1&hl=en&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=lame+fabric&pbx=1&oq=lame+fa&aq=0&aqi=g6g-m3g-S1&aql=&gs_sm=c&gs_upl=38770l42097l0l44076l7l7l0l0l0l0l519l2213l0.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=f6d916a750958d81&biw=1366&bih=643
It does not bring an attractive image to mind. I'm not trying to insult you, just making you aware of what A LOT of people will think of when you say your daughter is named Paisley Lame (I cannot bring myself to type LeMae and pronounce it La-may, sorry).
Brett Michael - sure, fine. It has a an obvious tie to the rocker, but how often does one use their middle name?
Paisly LeMae - Um, you know you spelled "Paisley" wrong, right? I like Paisley - I used it for my dog. But I don't think it flies as a FN for a human, especially an adult human.
EDIT: I honestly read it as Brett Michael after the seed was put in my head when I got a peek at the first response. I think if I'd read it as Brett Mitchell, as you intended, I wouldn't have batted an eye. I like it.
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Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
I like Brett Mitchell. I think it's masculine and cute. And I love that it honors both of your fathers. Great name IMO!
If you wan to use a word name, I think you should spell it correctly -- Paisley. I actually don't mind this name. It's NMS, but I don't think it's that bad. Maybe a little cutesy, but not horrible.
I really, really dislike LeMae. I would rather see two middle names than a made-up "smoosh" name. Paisley Mae Anne, Paisley Anne Mae, Paisley Mae Lee, etc. is a million times better than LeMae IMO.
The boy name is fine, though I did read it as Brett Michaels.
The girl name- I can tolerate Paisley, though I think it is too cutesy and will not grow up well. LeMae is bad. I understand you want to do something meaningful, but the made up name isn't cool. Together, Paisley LeMae just sounds either really country or potentially stripperish. It is just not the kind of burden I would want to place on my kid for the rest of their life.
What you mean by this is that we're against cutesy, misspelled made up names that don't suit adult humans. Gosh, we're awful.
And OP, you may not know about paisley or lame (insert accent, I can't do it), but clearly, some 30 people here do. FWIW, my dog is named for Paisley, Scottland, not the fabric or the country singer. Unfortunately for me, I don't get to tell that to everyone who asks her name. People can and do make assumptions that she's named after Brad Paisley. Similarly, people will have their own mental image of - most likely - a paisley fabric pattern when you tell people her name. It's unavoidable. Being fine with that is one thing, but I think the biggest consideration with Paisley it's that it's cutesy and unlikely to grow well with her. Can you honestly envision a CEO or astronaut named Paisley LeMae? Not really. Quite frankly, she's sounds like a teen mom that works at Piggly Wiggly. And yes, I realize not all kids are going to be CEOs, presidents or astronauts, but it is something to consider. I can understand wanting to choose a name that stands out, but you can do that with many wonderful uncommon and legitimate names that are timeless and will suit your daughter as an adult.
P/SAIF Welcome
Invisible Finish Line
3T's Traveling Ovary Blog
7DPO Progesterone: low. CD3 BW: normal, HSG: clear
DX: severe MFI (low all 3) and low T. Undergoing replacement therapy.
Although I misread it as "Brett Michaels" at first, I think it's a fine name.
I'm sorry that I cannot say anything good about the girl name. Paisley is a pattern and I generally can't stand names that are made up of two other names smooshed together.
Paisly LeMae is cute - but that's my problem with it. I think Paisly is too cutesy, even though I can appreciate the way it sounds. I love the meaning behind LeMae, and I'm of the opinion that anything goes for middle names. I actually have a smoosh middle name (Jolynn, combo of my parents' middle names Jolene and Lynn), and I really love it.
I also think that the -ly of Paisly runs into the Le- of LeMae. If I could tell you what to do, I would suggest you look for a new girl's FN.
Brett Mitchell is great!
BFP #2 12/20/11 | EDD 8/24/12 | Natural M/C 12/22/11
BFP #3 5/13/12 (Mother's Day!) | EDD 1/23/13 | Natural M/C 6/9/12 (blighted ovum discovered 6/7/12 at 7w1d)
"And to think when their little eyes opened, the first thing they saw was the face of Jesus."
My Ovulation Chart | My Baby Name List
OP, no one is jumping down your throat, you asked for honest feedback ;-)
I know you might love the name Paisely, but what do you think your LO will think of it? I have a pretty tame first name (Stephanie) but I would have been ticked if my parents named me something wacky, KWIM? I know its tough picking out names, and not everyone will like what you chose. But that being said- try to find a nice resasonable one.
ETA: I get it now, spelt is actually acceptable.
I agree with PP re: Paisley LeMae (hate it) and Brett Mitchell (good name, reminds me of Bret Michaels).
Re: the bolded part of your response... What about LeeAnn Mae? (Or however your sister/SIL spells LeeAnn.) I think that sounds really pretty, it honors both sisters, and your using pretty names people will recognize but that aren't overused.
Justin + Laura 10.18.08
TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS!
Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
Another baby on the way! 8.25.14
Oh crap, thanks! I feel like a jerk.
Mummyofsix, I apologize.
Whenever I see the word "spelt," I think of a species of wheat.
I might be totally off-base here, but based on this poster's SN (mUmmyofsix- Chrome won't let me bold or underline!) I'd assume she is in the UK. There, 'spelt' is commonly/correctly used as a past tense of 'to spell.'
Edit: Crap, I kept getting the error message when I tried to post and someone beat me to it! I can't delete. I don't mean to pile on!
Yeah now that I saw "mummy" in her SN and MJ set me straight I get it. Being wrong feels yucky, haha. I do feel bad about it.