This is for a friend. I already have my name picked out and nothing will change it.
But what would you do (or have you done) if you and a friend like the same name?
My BFF is 28 weeks and a friend of her's is 30 weeks. BFF really likes the name "Nolan" for her son but her baby brain made her forget that she first heard the name from her friend that is 30 weeks. So now she and her DH don't have a boy name they. They are waiting to see if the friend uses it. The friend has decided not to find out gender until birth and has a list of names (3 boy and 3 girl) and Nolan is at the top.
What would you do?
Re: What to do when you and friend like same name?
Whoever has a boy first may use the name first and also be prepared that their friend's son (or a future son) may also have the same name. You can't claim a name. If she doesn't want their sons to have the same name, she should prepare a backup name.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
And to what BackseatDriver said - I guess it also depends on how close of a friend they are, how much the kids will be around each other, etc.
But people need to get off this idea that a name is "theirs" and NO ONE else they might possibly know can ever use that name either.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
She doesn't want to offend the friend AND she thinks it will be strange since they will be so close in age.
My advice to her was that to just claim the name. The other friend has alternatives and it doesn't have any special significance to her. They aren't super close and I can't imagine that they would stop being friends over a baby name.
We picked the name Jackson when we got married and our close friends then named their dog Jackson. Then before we found out what we were having another friend named her son Jax. We are still naming our son Jackson. I'm just wondering if my stance is too harsh/rude.
TTC#1 since October 2009
M/C 6/04 at 8w1d; BFP 11/09 = Chemical Pregnancy
DX HSIL 5/10; LEEP 6/10
1st Apt w/RE 2/11
DX Unexplained IF but low E2+L4 = probably LPD
1st IUI 3/24/11: Clomid 50mg+hCG trigger shot+E2&L4 supps = BFN
2nd IUI 6/6/11: Clomid 100mg+hcg trigger shot+L4 supps = BFN
6/23/11: Ovarian cyst = BCPs. 7/19 CD4US=No cysts!.
3rd IUI 8/2/11: Clomid 150mg +hcg trigger shot+E2&L4 supps = BFN
4th IUI 8/27/11: Follistim +hcg trigger shot+E2&L4 supps = BFP!!!!
It's a boy!!!
Jackson William due May 20, 2012
Not good advice. She (or anyone else) has zero right to "claim" a name. She can say that all she wants, but the friend can (and probably should) give her the side eye and name the kid Nolan anyway.
If your friend REALLY likes it but doesn't want to "steal" it, then she can talk to her friend. Just a casual "hey - we love Nolan and are thinking of using it too. Would that bother you?" (of course - if the answer is "yes" AND the friend goes w/ Nolan... well, then your friend is kind of backed into a corner.)
If it's not special to the friend, that might actually sway her to not use it.
~Benjamin Franklin
DS dx with celiac disease 5/28/10
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.
If it's going to ruin the friendship, I wouldn't push the issue. There are a lot of great names out there and I don't think it's worth souring a friendship over.
No one owns a name, but if by using it she'll be making things awkward or ruining a friendship...not worth it IMO.
I was in a similar situation when naming my second son but with my brother. My brother was engaged at the time. He and his fiance had dated years back, then broken up and were back together again. When they dated the first time around, they talked about baby names if they ever got married and had children. So when we came across the name Ryan, I was fully aware that "back in the day" they had talked about using it. But my husband and I loved the name and my brother and his fiance weren't even married yet, let alone pregnant. And what if they never had kids? Or never had a boy? Or changed their mind about the name once they were pregnant? We decided to go ahead with the name. And as a bonus, we didn't announce it until he was born so they had no clue we were even considering it. When we told them the name, they were just like "We love it! But just so you know, he'll have a cousin with the same name!" We have no problem with that. Recently, my SIL and I have been more open about sharing potential name options, I guess to avoid this happening again with future children. I mean it would be a bit weird for us to have two children with the same names lol.
If your friend absolutely loves the name, I think she should use it. There is no "dibs" in baby naming. That being said, if she'll feel guilty about using the name, she could choose to use it as a middle name instead, or use it as a first name but call the child by his middle name (or some other nickname).