
What do your nipples look like after pumping?

After about 10 minutes of pumping, my nipples are very fat.  Much more so than after DD nurses and they are so thick that if she tries to nurse within a few minutes of finishing pumping, she has a hard time opening her mouth to get around them.  I can't remember if this is how it was with DD#1 so I don't know if this is normal or a sign of something being not quite right.  If it's not the norm, any thoughts on what the issue is--wrong size flanges (have standard size) or suction too high?
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Re: What do your nipples look like after pumping?

  • I look forward to others' responses as I've often wondered what a "normal" nipple is supposed to look like after pumping. I often have to go up a size mid-pump because my nipple on the right side gets so big (if I start with a bigger size, I get less milk). I've also tried Pumpin' Pals as well as all sizes of the Medela flanges and think my nipples look bizarre all the time. 
  • Good question. Mine get "fat" too and stay that way for awhile. I wonder if it's normal??
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  • I remember this being a thought of mine when I pumped, but my nipples were bigger in general after my girls were born.  Once I stopped pumping they almost went back to normal, but since kids my boobs have the "mature" look to them.  I think this is normal due to the suction and flange shape.  I noticed also that my nipples were sore when pumping too!

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  • Since you asked, mine look about twice their normal size, very puffy and kind of pale. I'm guessing that this is normal since a pump doesn't work quite the same way as a baby's mouth. I don't think you're doing anything wrong.  Mine have gotten bigger like you describe every single time I've pumped no matter if it was a long or short session with a strong or gentle suction. I don't notice much of a change after BFing LO and I've never tried to feed him soon after pumping so no help there.
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  • Mine are puffy, kind of pale, and wrinkly. They go back to normal by the time I try to feed, like an hour or so later. I haven't tried different flanges, but I was told that this was the right size for me and I typically dont have output problems. 
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  • Mine also get really big after pumping so I'm guessing this is normal.  I usually pump after DS nurses so maybe you could try that instead?  Then maybe your nipples will have gone back down to their normal size before you nurse again?
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