Miscarriage/Pregnancy Loss

Bleeding after methotrexate

I am just wondering how long others experienced bleeding following methotrexate treatment for ectopic pregnancy?  I had been lightly spotting since i was expecting my period in November, so didn't realize I was pregnant for a week or so after my period was due.  Had BFP on Dec. 3, cramping and slightly more bleeding on Dec. 12, which i went to emerg for.  On Dec. 17 it was confirmed ectopic and not viable.  Had my shot.  Follow up app. on Dec. 24 (Merry xmas!) showed hcg levels going down as expected.  Cramping started on Dec. 20, which continued daily until Jan. 1 (happy new year...lol).  My follow up on Jan.2 showed levels continue to drop as expected, but my bleeding continues.  The dr said I should expect to bleed for about 10 days, but its has been happening for more than 3 weeks now!  He just said that it should stop soon.  Just wondering how long others experienced bleeding?  Also wondering how others dealt with the exhaustion?  I am already low in B12, and not being able to take it until hcg levels are zero again, I am having a hard time wih tiredness and mood.  Any help is appreciated :)


************Siggy warning, LO & loss***************

Me 37 - DH 37 unexplained infertility
DS born 09/99
TTC since 2010
12/11 BFP - ectopic, received methotrexate, benched 4 months 
08/14 - exploring fertility options

Tubes clear, SA for DH all clear
10/14- #1 IUI (femera/ovadril/progesterone), 2 follicles 22/17, post wash count 94 million BFN

10/14 - #2 IUI (Femera/ovidrel/progesterone ), 2 follies 19/20, post wash 111 million, BFN Dec 2014 Femera BFFN Taking a break to explore foster to adopt!

Re: Bleeding after methotrexate

  • I got my shot Thursday & the bleeding started 30 minutes after. it may have been a coincidence. I 'm still bleeding but I think its letting up some. cant really help you since its only been 5 days since I started but maybe yours will stop soon. have they done an ultrasound to make sure nothing ruptured? it probably couldnt hurt it you dont stop soon.
    TTC since 4/28/07
    Diagnosed w/ endometriosis 12/2010 Laproscopic surgery & 6 months of Lupron
    BFP 12/17/2011,EDD 8/23/12,ectopic discovered 12/29/11 at 6 weeks recieved methotrexate
    Dec '12 HSG & ultrasound showed abnormalities & more endo. Laproscopic surgery in January '13 showed significant damage & scar tissue from Endo. IVF is our best shot to concieve our rainbow.

    June '13 Decided to go the adoption route!

    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

    Lilypie Trying to Conceive Event tickers

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  • I am the complete opposite of you ... I had my first shot over two weeks ago and my second shot last week and not any blood! Not much help but I think my case is very very weird!! 
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  • I had my miscarriage a week ago and am still bleeding. today it was pretty light but certain times of the day it was heavier and I could feel the cramping more. I had my first follow up Dr appt today where I actually saw the Dr (and not just had blood drawn).After asking if I was still bleeding, My dr wrote me a RX for Methergine. I havent even gotten it filled yet, but she said it will Help the bleeding to stop, but by taking it said I will be cramping more for a little bit. Its 6 pills. take 1 pill 3 times a day for 2 days. Like I said, I havent taken it yet, but maybe thats something you can bring up with the Dr next time you talk to him/her.
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  • Sorry you are also going through a hard time :-( I just came on to see if anyone else had extensive bleeding after injection. You aren't alone! I am now seven weeks post injection and still heavily bleeding and clotting. I guess it just varies fo each person??
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