so pre kids I always had the worst AF- like 10 day long, crampy and after L it changed slightly but I just had my first cycle since having X- it was light, 4days long, and mild cramps on the first day...
never thought I would be happy about my monthly but if it stays like this- i'm not going to complain
also, since having X- I have been totally "in the mood"- like daily- not that I wasnt before but it was never like this...the kids go to bed and I attack dh...
just (over) sharing
Re: (TMI) this is wonderful...
I'm hoping for my af to hold off again for 15 months pp like it did with dd. But, I am guessing that since we are not going to ttc ever again, I will get it back right away, booo.
Very nice! I thought I had gotten my first PP AF a few weeks ago but I'm not so sure. I'm hoping it stays away for a while. And for some reason I've found that PP sex is better than ever. Yay!
Nest Bio ~ ~ Baby Food Blog
m/c 1/2/08 and 3/12/08
Eve Amelia- Born 2/24/09. 6lb 9.9oz
Natalie Ruth - Born 6/13/11 7lb 6.6oz
I'm almost 13 months PP and that's still how I feel.
I'm almost 13 months PP and that's still how I feel.