January 2012 Moms

Anyone else annoyed by family yet??

Maybe most of this board isn't close enough to due date yet to be experiencing this, but certain family members are calling/texting multiple times a day for a status update.

I hope this doesn't make me sound bitchy but I'm kinda getting annoyed by it! I understand they're all excited and can't wait for baby's arrival..but seriously people?? texting/calling (starting at 7am nonetheless) like 3 times a day to see if i'm "feeling weird", "having contractions", "notice anything different", etc.

One of these people is my mom who lives 6 hours away, so I can see why she wants to know ASAP when I'm going into labor..so she can get here in time. But the others are very close by and we talk almost daily anyways...do they really think I'm going to not let them know when something happens?

It got to the point a couple days ago where ppl were calling/texting so much that I finally just posted on facebook that I am in fact not having contractions, not feeling any different, and not on my way to L&D, but that I will let everyone know the minute any of that changes lol.

Anyone else relate? Or am i just a huge biotch?? 

DUE 11/29/15 with #2!!!

Mommy to Kalen - 1/12/12

Re: Anyone else annoyed by family yet??

  • I'm always annoyed.  The phone calls to talk about nothing other than how I'm feeling, texts to just say hi, texts that ask how I am......I'm starting to just ignore all calls and texts.  I can't keep saying the same thing over and over.  I should be grateful that they care, but I'm tired of the repetition.
    image. image. image.
  • LOL. The other day my stepmom and I were talking about a checkup I had scheduled for later that evening, and I guess stepmom mentioned it to my dad in passing...

    So while we're at the OB's, my husband gets a frantic phone call from my dad. He was positively freaking out, and said "I thought y'all were gonna call ME before anybody else!" Haha! Pretty sure my dad misinterpreted what my stepmom meant by "going to the doctor." Typical worrysome, overprotective dad nature. LOL.

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  • Lol, I wish my FAMILY was more like this, but instead my CO-WORKERS/BOSS are like this. 

    My co-workers (ones that don't sit by me or even talk to me normally) and one of my bosses on the other hand have been pretty nosy to say the least.  Every morning that my boss walks in he says "Goooooooood Morning, Rachel!  How are you feeling today?" "How is your 'condition' today?" "Let's all 'waddle' to the conference room." UGH.  I kind of want to bang my head on the desk...especially with that last one. 

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  • Haha, I was a week late with dd so I remember this. On my due date with her I put a link on my Facebook - www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com. Its great - it always answers NO. This time when we announced the pregnancy I just said due in January. Close family and friends know the due date, but it's way less questions!
  • imagejnk062602:
    Haha, I was a week late with dd so I remember this. On my due date with her I put a link on my Facebook - www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com. Its great - it always answers NO. This time when we announced the pregnancy I just said due in January. Close family and friends know the due date, but it's way less questions!


    FRICKIN AWESOME!!  Totally using that one.  Big Smile

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  • imagerachel.wenger:

    Every morning that my boss walks in he says "Goooooooood Morning, Rachel!  How are you feeling today?" "How is your 'condition' today?" "Let's all 'waddle' to the conference room." UGH.  I kind of want to bang my head on the desk...especially with that last one. 


    This makes me for once actually glad about being unemployed!

    And jnk, I'm sooo going to try that on my facebook right now! Thanks! 

    DUE 11/29/15 with #2!!!

    Mommy to Kalen - 1/12/12

  • With just a few days until our due date, I'm getting completely annoyed with everyone! I've been contracting for nearly a week - hubby and I are already annoyed and frustrated that baby isn't here yet. Top that off with family, friends, church members, coworkers, and loved ones texting, calling, and commenting on facebook I might lose my mind! The advice drives me crazy too - baby will come when he/she is ready, enjoy this time with hubby before baby arrives, life is about to change, be patient, the baby is in charge - get used to it, etc. I know! I'm doing my very best to be patient, but it's uncomfortable to have an 8 pound baby pressing on my cervix... The best was when my mother in law reminded me and everyone on facebook that my husband was 2 weeks late - be prepared. Thanks....

     :-) Thanks, I feel so much better now... Good to know I'm not alone... 

    Leanne, married since July 4, 2009 and recently welcomed our first little boy - Wesley Daniel. Check out our blog at www.cookinwiththejohnstons.com
  • I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one! I think the most irritating example is when I was at my weekly OB appt last thursday. Literally every appt since I got pregnant I've always told my mom, my sister and my best friend when the appt was and called them afterward to share what happened at each appt....never failed to do so.

    My appts are always on thursdays by the way. So last week my sister texts me at 7am and says "when is ur appt?" I respond with "3:30" and she says "ok, sorry to bother u so early"....(then why did you?? lol) Then my mom an hour later texts "When is ur appt.? call me afterwards" (umm..duh, just like the other million appts ive had...) Then sister texts me at 3:46 "what'd they say? call me when you're done" (again...duh). I'm out of the dr. office for 5 minutes when she texts again "is everything okay? what did they say?" OMG PEOPLE, give me a minute to at least walk to the car!! lol i'm going to lose my mind...

    Turns out my sis is so paranoid because she's had two dreams already where I didn't call her and waited until after he was born to let her know.

     I'm just glad my boyfriend's family is bothering him instead of having to deal with everyone myself haha 

    DUE 11/29/15 with #2!!!

    Mommy to Kalen - 1/12/12

  • When my SIL went over her due date her fb wall was getting blown up with nosy posts so finally she put her status as "any baby inquiries must be submitted with a $50 bill" and then she disabled her wall! I was pretty proud of her and I think that has helped in my pregnancy because the fam now knows how annoying it is! Gl with everything!
  • just send them to voicemail.

    Oh, and put something in your voice mail saying that you are fine, but really, need a nap so you will call back. LOL.

    Otherwise all you will get is frantic over and over messages asking if your ok or in the hospital and "Why havent you called? I left you a messege 5 minutes ago!"

    seriously though, you are not obligated to tell anyone anything. you have every right to be sick and tired of the calls and texts. Is everyone planning to be in the waiting room while you are in labor?? I can understand your mom being there for support but what is with all the others? I also get that they are excited...

    You could tell everyone that you are getting really frustrated and dont want to discuss the waiting game anymore, so please back off a bit?

    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Birthday
  • imagejnk062602:
    Haha, I was a week late with dd so I remember this. On my due date with her I put a link on my Facebook - www.haveyouhadthatbabyyet.com. Its great - it always answers NO. This time when we announced the pregnancy I just said due in January. Close family and friends know the due date, but it's way less questions!



    Ha, I put this on my facebook yesterday!  DH's family is driving me nuts.  We told everybody they would not be getting a "we're on our way to the hospital" call, but would be a getting a "the baby's here and we're ready for visitors" call WHEN we were ready.  They took that to interpret as a "please call every single day so that you can catch us when we go into labour."  


    Yesterday his mother interrupted my nap by calling the house, so I didn't answer.  Then she blew up our cell phones because I didn't answer the house phone.  His parents are divorced, and his Dad did the same thing a few hours later.  Today I'm considering unplugging/turning off phones.  


    I'm also tired of the "How are you FEEEELINNNGG?"

    I feel like crap.  My vag is splitting in two.  I feel kicks in my butt.  My ribs feel like they're breaking.  My nipples are leaking and I feel like a cow.  The discharge?  Nasty.  I told him if they keep calling and asking how I'm feeling, I'm going to tell them exactly how I feel. 


    Sorry, just wrote a book.  So yes.  I'm annoyed.   

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

  • I've honestly been annoyed with my MIL since i got pregnant, i HATE the "how are WE feeling today?" she did it last time around, and the closer i get to my due date the more often i ignore my phone, house or cell. Last time i apparently pushed it too far and my husband started getting calls at work cause i wouldn't pick up. When i do answer the phone my answer is "pregnant." Luckily i only had one awkward Facebook incident last time, my brother wanted to know about any progress.. to which i put up a post about the state of my lady parts were not for public audience, then he got an ear full on the phone. 
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  • I am not getting the check-up-on-progress calls yet, but MIL did call yesterday and I totally ignored it.  I'm just not feeling up for all the back and forth right now.  What I am sick of is the question: "Do you have everything you need?" or "What can I get for you?"  We had our shower, we got a few more things for Christmas, our registry is still up and if you really want to get something then look at it.  Or don't because I don't need people to buy things for me.
  • My coworkers drove me nuts too!!  I see these ppl every day and kept getting the "how are we feeling today?" question.....it's like,"i promise to tell you when something exciting happens..,besides do you REALLY want to hear about my constipation and acne??"  my favorite was one guy (who i really never talk to) said "you're starting to get that mommy waddle..."  to which i replied "yeah, im six months pregnant, what's your excuse??"  ...he hasn't said much since then. 


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