DH and I are going to NYC to see The Book of Mormon for our anniversary. The play is Saturday afternoon andre are going up Friday morning, staying at Lund Tmes Square. What should we not miss?
Michelle, Happily married to R 2006,
StepMom to P,
Mama to R and E.
SAHM and weekend NICU nurse

Re: NYC must sees?
If the weather is nice - take a stroll through Central Park.
Walk down Madison Ave & 5th Ave and just look in the shop windows (Tiffany's, etc)
Times Square - just hang out, peek in a few shops. There is a new "pedestrian mall" where they closed off part of the street to traffic and there are usually street acts performing. I love to just hang out and people-watch.
Empire State - eh, I can take it or leave it. But if you would enjoy a bird's eye view of the city then go ahead. But like PP said, take the regular elevator to the top.
Rockefeller Center - NBC Studios (you can take a tour), Top of the Rock, or just wander around and peek inside St. Patrick's Cathedral & Radio City Music Hall.
The Grand Marquis hotel in Times Square has a rotating bar that overlooks Times Square. That's kind of fun (if you don't drink too much and fall down!)
If you have time - I'd try and go down to Little Italy/China Town/The Village for dinner. We like Vincent's in Little Italy. It's a little touristy but the food is good.
Or go down to the World Trade Center (easy to jump on a subway from Times Square) and view the memorial. You can also see the Statue of Liberty from downtown. And if you'd like to view it or go to the Ellis Island Museum you could do so from Battery Park.
Weather permitting, you should walk along the High Line in the W. Village/Chelsea. It is a park converted from an elevated railroad track. It is completely unique and provides views of the traditional sky line and the brilliant and innovative new architecture that has gone up all along the Hudson River. You can also get some yummy eats at Chelsea Market along the way.
I haven't been yet, but the new Islamic exhibit at the Met is supposed to be unbelievable.
The New York Time just wrote about how to be a frugal tourist in midtown.
My only correction is that Vic's Bagels isn't nearly as good as Daniel's, which is across the street.
i agree with little italy/chinatown for dinner and with visiting the high line/chelsea market. chelsea market is awesome.
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