I haven't been around much lately. We bought a new house and internet service is sporadic. SO frustrating!
Anyway, I had my baby! I had GD and was on insulin just like when I was pg with the girls. Thankfully I was being carefully monitored by MFM who discovered my amniotic fluid level was low, so I spent one month on bedrest until it increased. Everything was going great and then I went in for a routine BPP and NST. The amniotic fluid level had dropped to a dangerous level, the baby was estimated to weigh 9lb8oz at 38 weeks and I suddenly started having hypoglycemic symptoms while at the MFM's office. The baby only scored a 6/10 on the BPP. MFM sent me directly to the hospital and I delivered my baby 2 hours later!! It was crazy and unexpected.
Thankfully everything turned out perfect! My SON Elliot (we were Team Green) came out healthy and screaming and weighed 8lb15oz. We've been home for a week and the adjustment has been easy for everyone. The girls adore him and can't stop kissing him. The delivery and healing time (repeat c-section) were so much easier this time. I'm less emotional and sleep deprived than when the girls were born. It's a way different experience...so much more enjoyable than when the twins were born! Even with three under 2 years old, I'm able to simply cuddle the baby when I want. I never felt like I had time for that with the twins when they first came home. I know it's still early, but so far, it's been amazing!
Re: Had my baby!
Christian Alexander - 11/13/06
Amelia Rose & Owen Thomas - 3/29/11
Our crazy, wonderful life
Congrats!! Glad to hear your son is healthy (yea on Team Blue!!) and you're recovering well, too!
Huge grins over here for you. I am so happy for you. So glad that everything is going well with the girls. I will be writing to you for advice in a couple months.
I am so, so, so happy for you!!!! Congratulations!!!!! And thanks for posting!