ttc since 10-09
first visit with RE 09-10
ME-everything ok
DH- AZOOSPERMIA...biopsy confirmed Sertoli Only Cell syndrome
Donor IUI#4 was the charm (8-27-11) with 125iuFollistim/Ovidrel/Endometrin/PIO/vit D
beta #1 9/8/11....BFP!!! : ) @ 47.7
beta...#2 9/15/11... 1,998
beta#3 9/22/2011- 27,900
Baby's hb seen @6w2d ! 1-3-2012 20 wk u/s everything lookin' good!
I LOVE the name Carson and it was a name that was top runner for a while. I don't know any Carsons IRL. I have always thought of it as a boy name but when I mentioned the name to my 9 year old daughter she said, "for a boy?!" Apparently there are two girls in her class both spelled Karsen *sigh*
I know one boy with this name and he's older than the range you listed. I know 1 girl named Carson (4 years old and spells it Karsyn).
In my hometown, there are quite a few people with the last name of Carr. Carson often pops up in their family's kids' names as a way to include the maiden name of Carr (son of Carr).
1 male who is 2, 1 male who is 6, 1 female who is 16.
dd(Brianna) 11/01/94, ds(Bram)10/17/95, ds(Jesse)9/26/97, dd (Annie Ruth) 7/27/05
5mc Jan '08, May '08, Feb '09, Sept '09, Apr '11
"And can it be that in a world so full and busy, the loss of one weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing but the width and depth of vast eternity can fill it up." - Charles Dickens
Re: How many Carson's do you know?
I know 1 who is 14 months and his mother spelled it Carsen - which I think is a little odd and I always spell it wrong.
**December 2014 September Siggy Challenge - Favorite Thing About Fall - Fall Leaves and Apple Cider**
I know one boy with this name and he's older than the range you listed. I know 1 girl named Carson (4 years old and spells it Karsyn).
In my hometown, there are quite a few people with the last name of Carr. Carson often pops up in their family's kids' names as a way to include the maiden name of Carr (son of Carr).
Chemical Pregnancy
I know just 1 boy named Carson under 5. He is 3 weeks old and I am meeting him tonight!
For what it is worth, I know a 13 year old boy and 15 year old girl named Carson.
2 boys
1 girl
Amazingly, they are all spelled "correctly" - Carson.
PAL/PGAL Welcome
Ditto. I know 2 little boys with this name. One is 4 and the other is 2.