Baby Names

what do you think of the name Enzo?

I love Lorenzo, but my husband isn't a fan. Someone here suggested the name Enzo yesterday and he happens to really, really like it, and I feel like I can get on board wit it. It's Italian and of German heritage (according to the internet) and I am italian, and he has SOME german in his blood. Does it make you think of spaghetti sauce? (This is what my mom said ha ha. No idea why she thinks that!). Like? Dislike? Our last name is Whitehead.
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Re: what do you think of the name Enzo?

  • One of my good friends named her son this, and I really hate it.  I love Lorenzo though.  I just can't get on board with Enzo. 
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  • I like both Lorenzo and Enzo.  Would your hubby agree to naming your LO Lorenzo, but using the NN Enzo from birth?

    I don't associate the name with spaghetti sauce, but I do associate it with shoes!  Ha!  Enzo Angiolini makes great shoes...comfortable too!

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  • The shoes. 
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  • Enzo sounds dirty to me for some reason. Maybe it's my pregnancy hormones, but it reminds me of the scrubs episode where someone asks The Todd why he uses so many innuendos and he says, "in your endo." 

     Also, my husband is Loren and when we lived in Guatemala he went by Lorenzo. Some nicknames that our Guatemalan friends called him by were: Lencho and Lenzo. But Enzo is another nickname for Lorenzo. Could be a compromise.  

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  • I think of the shoes as pp mentioned, and then-I am a cosmetology instructor, and there is a beand of hair products called Enzo Milano...
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  • I really do not like it. It sounds like a prescription for something.
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  • I like Enzo, with or without Lorenzo as the full name.

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  • I like Lorenzo better... I'm no help!


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  • I like Enzo, but would assume the fn was Lorenzo.  Would you consider giving him the fn Lorenzo and calling him Enzo?
  • I have a friend with a 2 year old son named Enzo. It's completely NMS, but it works for him. It makes me think of Ferraris.
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  • I'm all for using lorenzo as the fn, but my husband has something against it (maybe because my maiden name is DeLorenzo, and I never changed it so he's bitter?! Ha ha)
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  • I know why your husband likes Enzo.  It's Ferrari Enzo.  It's a car.  My friend's son is Enzo.  NMS, but a lot of men like the name.
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  • I'd prefer it as a nn for Lorenzo, but Enzo on its own may be as close to a compromise as you are going  to get.

    I like Enzo. I especially like the tie to your last name.

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  • I love it! We're Italian and my cousin used it for one of her twins because DH's grandma's maiden name was DiLorenzo. It's fantastic and I know she gets lots of compliments on it.
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  • I like Enzo, it was the name of a character off of my childhood favorite cartoon, Reboot!! :) Fun!
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  • There is an Enzo that lives in the same town as me.  His is short for Vincenzo and his family owns a pizza shop.  They are Italian, obviously.
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  • imagenamcgee:
    There is an Enzo that lives in the same town as me.  His is short for Vincenzo and his family owns a pizza shop.  They are Italian, obviously.

    This was my suggestion--how about Vincenzo NN Enzo?

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  • imagesalt78:
    It makes me think of Ferraris.
    Thank you! I thought I was the only one!
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  • It does make me think of Ferarri also, but that definitely doesn't bother me.  I'm more worried it doesn't "go" with our last name.  but looks like the general consensus is that it's not a BAD name...that's all I was worried about.  Don't want to tag my kid with a horrible name and regret it!!
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  • I love it as a nickname for Lorenzo! But I think I like it by itself, too.
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  • I like Enzo a lot. I also like Lorenzo with Enzo as the NN.
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