Stay at Home Moms

Scattered...because its Friday night I deleted my post...

do we all get to drink now?!

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Re: Scattered...because its Friday night I deleted my post...

  • Anytime. Glad I could help! :)
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  • Yes, please!! I just got home about an hour ago from shopping for a little party we're having tomorrow. We've invited a few friends over for NYE that also have small babies. We won't be getting plastered, but we would like to drink. Since we only invited to other couples, they'll all be sleeping over so they can drink.

    LOs will be asleep by the time we drink, but dang... I hate shopping for liquor/beer. H stayed home with LO so I could do it and get it over with. I got food and drinks. The liquor store was a mad house and now I'm one mad mama!! I was there for about 1.5 hours!!!

    I'm about to down some wine!! :)

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  • it or you will have to go back tomorrow and you don't want to have to do that!! :)
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