I had my 36wk appt today and the good news? Baby is no longer breech

So my due date is 1/25 with a RCS scheduled on 1/27 if he/she doesn't arrive before that. On a funny note, I swear their scale is totally messed up. I've been weighing myself at home before my appts and their scale will under weigh me one week then over weigh me another time. So at my appt today they said I gained 8lbs in 2wks but according to my scale it was only 4lbs! I almost fell over when they weighed me there today!
Re: Good News!
Nice! Did the no longer breech position change the c-section date? I was thinking it was a bit earlier before right? Does this mean you are trying for a vbac if baby comes earlier, or just that they will do a c-section either way, but the latest the birth will be is 1/27?
My weight is weird too. I haven't gained any in the last 2 weeks, but the one right before that was a 8 pound gain in 2 weeks. I'm thinking that one was up, and then the next one was under, so really they even out more.
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No, my date hasn't changed. If it was breech, they were going to bump me up to before my due date. The plan as of now is to VBAC if I can-of course if my water breaks and theres nothing going on (like with DD) then I'll probably have a CS since they wont induce after having one. So we'll see how it goes!
Good luck! I hope either way, the choice is obvious from the beginning so you don't have to end up laboring and then c-section.
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great news!!
now don't take this the wrong way... but 1/27 is the perfect day for a birthday! (it's mine lol)
This is also my cousin and uncle's bdays as well! Would be quite popular!