That's what my cousin & his wife just named their newborn son. All throughout the PG "he" was to be "Caleb", which I actually was impressed with. I get the text from my bro with this info.
What comes to mind with that name? Adult entertainment is what I thought.
Re: Sterling
Makes me think of A League of Their of the women had to bring her son with her and she was always saying, "Sterling, darling!"
ETA: Whoops, his name was Stillwell, not Sterling. Never mind...
Justin + Laura 10.18.08
TTC #1 09.10/Dx PCOS 12.10/BFP #1 12.29.10/EDD 9.10.11/Missed m/c 2.3.11/D&C 2.15.11
“Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Kahlil Gibran
Cycle #1 4.2.11 + Clomid = BFN/Cycle #2 5.9.11 + Clomid + Trigger Shot = TWINS!
Walter Allen and Eleanor Joan 1.15.12
Another baby on the way! 8.25.14
Not a fan. I had client's who had named their son Sterling and they had such horrible, dreadful, tacky taste. We did a huge addition for them, but it was so godawful we never put it in our portfolio.
So anyway, I think it is a nouveau riche name, like Lexus, Chanel or Barron.
Now I'm having Mad Men withdrawal
I also thought of Mad Men! Gosh, where is that show when I need it...
Just a few more months and Mr. Draper will back on our t.v! Soooo can't wait!
I agree.
BFP #1 09/02/11 M/C 09/12/11 8w6days
BFP #2 07/18/12 Baby S born on his EDD 03/23/13
SS - age 12...SD - age 8...DS - 13 mos.
I like it a lot LOT better than Caleb
I could see how it reads a little pretentious, but I think it's classic and sophisticated