
air travel with 3 week old

 I am 99% certain the thought of attempting this is insane.  And I don't think I am going to even try, but don't want to write it off yet. 

I am going to have a c-section on July 9th.  My best friend in the whole world, (we have known each other since we were 3) is getting married on July 28th.  I have already had to back out of being a bridesmaid.  Part of me thinks I may be able to make it to the wedding, but I would need to make a 1.5 hour flight and would bring the baby with me.  I am fairly certain that the thought of this is insane, and my DH would not be on board with me travelling that soon after a C-section.  I guess I am looking for other moms to agree with me and tell me that trying to plan on being at this wedding with a 3 week old infant is completely insane.

Do you all agree with me, or is something I don't have to write off yet?  I have never flown with any of my kids, so flying with a newborn, germs, etc. has me freaked.

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Re: air travel with 3 week old

  • Is driving w/ lots of breaks an option?
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageveloelle:
    Is driving w/ lots of breaks an option?

    This is my thought.  Would this not work? 

    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
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  • I could drive, it is about 12 hours and would then want to bring the whole family.  It is something to think about.
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  • Wait, you were going to travel alone? F no! Drive and take the family for help. The germs don't bother me, it's not like your newborn is walking around dragging his face across the seats. It's the hassle of a crying newborn, having difficulty soothing, etc. And typically airplanes are packed in July.
    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • imageveloelle:
    Wait, you were going to travel alone? F no! Drive and take the family for help. The germs don't bother me, it's not like your newborn is walking around dragging his face across the seats. It's the hassle of a crying newborn, having difficulty soothing, etc. And typically airplanes are packed in July.

    If I were to fly I was thinking I would probably go alone with the baby.  I would not drive 12 hours alone with a newborn.    Would any of you consider leaving the newborn at home for a weekend, could I even ask my DH to stay home with 2 kids and a newborn?

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  • Just one baby? Totally doable if it's cool w ur pedi. All three, hellz no!

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  • Eh, I don't know, I would probably do it.  Both mine were pretty decent at that age and it's only 1.5hr flight?  I think they're easiest the first couple weeks, it's when they wake up more that things get dicey!
  • imageshopgirl78:
    Just one baby? Totally doable if it's cool w ur pedi. All three, hellz no!

    yes...was contemplating flying up with just the baby for a long weekend, leaving DS and DD home with DH. 

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  • imagesurprise3rd:

    Just one baby? Totally doable if it's cool w ur pedi. All three, hellz no!

    yes...was contemplating flying up with just the baby for a long weekend, leaving DS and DD home with DH. 

    After having three, a NB by itself is so easy. I'd do it! No I wouldn't leave baby home. Edit: Wait never had a csection but after my boys I would have been fine.

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  • I flew with DD1 at 6 weeks, so I think it is possible, though I have never had a c/s.
  • imagesurprise3rd:

     Would any of you consider leaving the newborn at home for a weekend, could I even ask my DH to stay home with 2 kids and a newborn?

    I've BF and had trouble leaving them at all for the entire first year, so totally out of the relm of possible for me.

  • My recovery from my 2nd c-section was SO much easier than my first, so if you had the same experience, I wouldn't rule it out because of the c-section.  As long as money isn't an issue, I'd book the ticket and then if it ends up that you can't go for some reason, so be it and you eat the cost of the ticket.  If you nurse, taking the baby with you is probably the only option.  If you bottle feed, I'd seriously consider leaving the baby home with DH.  Could you manage to be gone for only about 24 hours or so max in that case? 
    Jenni ~~Alex & Avery ~~ 6/13/06~~Adam ~~3/26/08

  • I didn't have a c/s so I can't say how you'll be feeling but traveling with a newborn is so easy. They sleep and nurse. Babies under 6 months are cake on airplanes and traveling in general (usually). Check with your pedi to ok it. Mine preferred I wait until 2 months to fly anywhere because of the air and germs, but that may just be a rule of thumb. He never made a big deal out of it so I don't think it was too bad. If you think you'd be up for it at three weeks, I think you could totally do it and be fine. 
  • I had 2 c-sections and pretty quick recoveries but there is no way that I would drive 12 hours with an abdomen that was just literally cut open 3 weeks earlier and there is no way I would want to be on a plane alone with a baby at that point either.  Not sure if you had c-sections with your others but it is major surgery, you need to recover.
    Jen - Mom to two December 12 babies Nathaniel 12/12/06 and Addison 12/12/08
  • I would do it.  We flew (3 hour flight) with our 2 year old and 4 week old at Christmas one year, and it really wasn't a big deal.  I'd had an emergency c/s under general anesthesia and lost a lot of blood afterwards.  I had a really rough recovery and felt like total crap for a month, but I still would do it over again.  I had DH with me, but he was busy with our toddler, so I pretty much had the baby all to myself.
  • I never had a c/s so I can't comment on that, but I would totally go.  I honestly think flying with the baby by yourself would be easier than driving with the whole family. Especially since your flight is so short.

    Babies that young are easy on planes.  Even my second DS who was colicy was great on a long plane ride at 2 months- I just stuck him on my boob the whole way. I was alone with him, and everyone was so helpful- just ask if you need anything, people jump to help a lady with a baby.


    Rebecca- mom to 3 kids: DS born 2005, DD born 2007 and DS born 2010.
  • Are you BFing? The baby could just nurse the whole flight. When they are young like that, it's the easiest time to fly with them IMO. I flew with DD when she was 7 weeks and it was January so the middle of germ season. My husband got horribly sick afterwards but the baby was fine, I think partially due to nursing the whole time we were on the plane/on the trip.

    I WOULD be worried about the CS part. I've never had one so I really don't know if you'd be able to travel that soon after a CS.

    I'd much rather fly by myself with the baby then take the whole family on a 12 hour drive.

    ETA: if you do decide to fly, get a moby wrab (or something similar). You will then have your hands free and people will not be all touchy with the baby because he or she will be strapped on you.

  • This will be my third c-section and the recovery after my 2nd was much easier than my first.  I will be bringing the baby is a must, forgot about that part when I asked about leaving baby at home.

    Thanks ladies, you have definately given me hope.  I will pack light, or mail a box of clothes up to my sister so I don't have to check any luggage or lift anything too heavy.

    I am going to give it some serious consideration.  Thanks again for all the great insight. 


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  • imageArnegard:
    I flew with DD1 at 6 weeks, so I think it is possible, though I have never had a c/s.
    this. I kept him in a sling the whole time
  • We flew when Cam was 8 weeks old (I, personally, wanted to wait until she got her shots but then again, our trip wasn't a timing necessity -- it was just a trip to Disney for fun).  It was easy peasy.  And she was my second c-section and I was good to go by like day 3.  I swear, #2 was so much easier than the 1st one.  And I might be exaggerating with day 3 but I was definitely fine after 10 days (MAX) so 3 weeks would be fine.

    Of course ANYTHING could go wrong.  It could be a horrible recovery (let's hope not), etc.  But if you can get some refundable airfare, I would go ahead and book for you and baby (once you get your pedi's opinion on the matter).  Ultimately, your baby = your decision.  Your pedi can only make a suggestion and does not need to "clear" your baby for air travel.

  • I would talk to your OB & pedi about it.  I've not ever had a c-section, but all of my friends who have were feeling pretty good by 10 days out.  My only concern would be you lifting carseat, luggage, etc.  But I assume you will know a lot of people at the wedding & maybe you could enlist some help ahead of time.  In the airport you could let them know you need assistance & get them to cart you around. Great advice re: keeping baby in a sling.  I know that if it was my BFF I'd want to move heaven & earth to be there, so I totally understand why you are looking at your options. 
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