
Ugh, E's weight is a problem, again.

She just had her 4yr well visit. She's 24.6lbs. =( She was just tested for Thyroid disease, celiac, chrons and food allergies due to her chronic constipation issues and all tests came back normal. Her pedi is freaking awesome and I love her but she wants to run some more tests just to make sure everything is ok. I know she is tiny, and to us she looks perfect but my MIL thinks that she looks sick and "everyone" agrees. 

no point in posting other than letting it out. Just worried I guess.  

{Ava 5.16.06} {Ella 12.29.07} {Drew 2.9.10}

Re: Ugh, E's weight is a problem, again.

  • I have a tiny kid too.  People are always amazed when they pick her up, how light she is.  Her brother is 3 years younger and weighs 3 pounds less.  She is just very slight, but has caught up some on height.  I think the testing is good when you have a child that is so far below the chart.  We had DD tested when she was not on the charts, which she wasn't until about 3.5 years, when she shot up in height.  She is now about 1% for BMI.  The testing ruled out things that can cause long term problems and benefit from treatment. 

    It is stressful, but necessary.  Hope the peanut gallery lays off.  

  • I also have a little one...not quite that little, but still a tiny little thing.  She also battled chronic constipation her entire life.  She will be 5 in March.  We tried everything, extra fruit, juice, water, miralax, she ate baby food prunes until she was almost 4.  She had fissures, tearing and lots of issues. We just couldn't get a handle on it.  We finally took her off dairy, no milk or cheese, and her constipation disappeared.  She tolerates yogurt fine, but once we took her of cows milk, her constipation issues went away completely.  She was tested for dairy allergies, and had none, but I was curious so did it on my own.  It has been so much better for her.  Just wanted to share.
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  • Im going through the same thing ds3 is 19lbs at 18mos. He is failure to thrive and wont swallow solid foods. He chews food and spits it out. He has a NG tube that he gets feedings through. Have you taken your daughter to an endocrinologist? We just recently saw one for DS's short stature. It was a good visit, and we had blood drawn to rule out growth hormone issues, thyroid, pituitary gland, etc. He took all kinds of measurements and did a physical. I know our situations are not the same, but maybe an evaluation by another Dr. may help to give more insight of a potential issue with her. I swear these kids are gonna be the death of us! Good luck??
  • I am sorry you are going through this, we went through the same thing with DD and she has not been on the charts since she was 9 months old. We went to her 5 year check up and she is 31 pounds. Her doctors told me since she's following her own curve that she's not worried about it
  • I'm sorry L. I know this feeling all too well. E is 6 and weighs only 35 lbs. At her five year we had to come back for a weight check. I started giving her pediasure and she had gained like 2 lbs in 6 months.  Sadly that doesn't seem to be working so I am worried about her 6 year appt which is in a few weeks.   E has always been in the 5th percentile for weight so it's been a battle.
  • Sorry to hear. I would just agree to the testing to rule everything out. Hopefully she is just a petite little girl.
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  • Can you post some more pics Of E? I don't think she looks sick at all, ftr.
  • And, DD was tiny until she started gymnastics and built muscle. DS is the same way. Super skinny. But his muscle tone is awesome. 

    Try not to worry. I think she looks perfect! 

  • I'm sorry. :(. Fwiw, ds1 will be 5 next week and just edged over 30lbs. He's not on the charts at all for bmi. He's just tiny. And ds2 struggles with constipation constantly. He has a history of g.i. Issues (food allergies and intolerances) we are hoping whatever is causing it will resolve as he grows.  

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