While we're walking down memory lane, I'll repost what I was asking about last week in case you guys missed it. Can't remember this girl's nest name (or where she went) and it's driving me crazy. She was on here all the time.
Her old
old knot name was GoldEloxe, and her real name was Erin, I think? She
was pretty and blonde.
had a son named Dylan who was super cute and then (I think) had another
boy around the time I had Alec? I remember that Dylan was born
unexpectedly early and that her water broke someplace funny like
Target. She always had really funny and cute
onesies for him when he was a baby and had an adorable Martha
Stewart-ish first birthday party. It might have been dog-themed, or
that might have been his nursery. Her DH was in the military and they
lived on the west
coast...I think So.Cal.
Anyone? Dylan was blonde with really really amazing blue eyes.
Here's her knot bio:
Re: Jodi and Zenya and any other old timers
Mum to Owen and Lucas
You guys are killing me.
And if this poor woman ever sees this, she'll totally think I'm a stalker...
Yeah, I am pretty sure she changed it. Do you want me to ask her?