Okay...so I posted last night on Landry as an option, and for the most part it was not a hit:)
Here are some other boy names I was throwing around in my head during my lovely insomnia that struck last night:
Logan-really like it;is it becoming popular? Its' status varies depending on which name list website I look at.
Landon-DH is not a huge fan, but I think he could be swayed:)
Griffin=a family name
*Again, sibset with Brady
Thanks for the help. I really do appreciate the input. As a matter of fact, I used these boards three years ago when deciding what to name DS:)
Re: Short boy list-opinions please:)
I like Landon the best! I know two little Landon's. Griffin isn't my style, but I always prefer family names when you can use them so I think that would be nice. What about..
ETA: I just remembered I know twins names Brady and Griffin! Weird! Their sibs are Georgia and Carter.
My favorite is Griffin, but I just scrapped it off my list because it seems to be getting very popular.
I know at least 5 Landon's.
I also think Logan is pretty popular.
If I was a Dallas fan, I would use Landry in a second-- though my guess is it is popular in certain regions. As a Redskins fan, it's a non-starter ; )
Landon! It's my son's name, and while I keep hearing how popular it is on this board, as the mom of a Landon, I have not encountered this IRL at all. Quite the opposite. Only once in 3.5 years have we come in contact with another little Landon. I think you have to evaluate popularity in terms of region. We are in the Northeast, and the name is very unique here.
That said, I love Landon and Brady as a sibset. We are considering Brody (similar to Brady) for a boy this time around.
Dec '12 & Jan '15
I like Griffin the best and I like that it's a family name for you too.