I had no idea DD would be so inquisitive about how the new baby would actually get here, and how she would eat. She mentioned today that the doctor would open my tummy and take the baby out and I corrected her saying that the baby would come out of my vagina. Well, that has opened the floodgates! She wants to know everything, but doesn't really understand any of it. Any tips? She seems to think that she's going to sleep in the hospital bed with me. She also asked if the baby would break my pants when she comes out. lol I think he might be too smart for he own good! There's a sibling prep class at the hospital I was thinking about for 3-10yr olds. I was thinking of waiting til a little closer to EDD (3/19), but all these questions are stumping me!
Re: Preparing almost 4 year old for baby
My 4.5-y-o just asked me today how the baby will come out, since my "belly is closed." I told her God gives mommies a special place where they come out--and changed the subject. One thing that has helped my daughter with questions is to show her pictures of baby's development. Of course, my daughter is a little older than yours.
Check out your local library for kid appropriate books. That sibling class might not be a bad thing to take sooner rather than later, to give her a chance to get used to the idea.
cute questions! I have an older son but he was 3 and 3.5 when I was pg and had DS and he didn't ask any of those questions. But when I had DS2 he was asking me about why the baby was biting my boobs. We told him the truth and the reason. Of course DS1 wanted to try it and I told him that big boys drink out of cups.
We got a big brother book and read that to him a lot. As we started getting baby things we would talk about how it's for Ross and we used new baby's name a lot.
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