
Does anyone have a fibroid?

I had a c-section with my first baby. When I went for my 6 week check up my dr told me ill have to have c-sections with the rest of my pregnancies due to having a fibroid. She thinks the fibroid caused me to not dilate. Did anyone else experience this? Would you get a second opinion? They had me on pitocin too and I wouldn't dilate.
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Re: Does anyone have a fibroid?

  • Hmm...that's something to think about.  Maybe that's why I never dilated beyond 2cm.  I had a really large one with my last LO.  I was induced due to Pre-E and after cytotec, pitocin, and 20 hours of "labor" I never adequately dilated and had to have a c-section.  This time I am having a repeat c-section due to the same issues and the fact that my pregnancies are so close together. 

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  • imageDeannaSue84:
    I had a c-section with my first baby. When I went for my 6 week check up my dr told me ill have to have c-sections with the rest of my pregnancies due to having a fibroid. She thinks the fibroid caused me to not dilate. Did anyone else experience this? Would you get a second opinion? They had me on pitocin too and I wouldn't dilate.

    I have a couple anterior fibroids; one is about the size of an orange. I've known about them since my early 20s and always knew I might need c-sections as a result.  When I got pg last year, my OB watched them like a hawk to see how they grew and moved over the months. DD was breach early on & OB speculates that the fibroids got in the way and prevented her from flipping. B/c of them, we didn't even attempt a version. Instead, we had a scheduled c/s.

    In your case, I'd get a second opinion, especially if you'd really like a vaginal birth. I guess I was used to the idea of a c/s and have no desire to try VBAC, so it doesn't bother me. But, the presence of fibroids alone shouldn't dictate that you have to have c/s. If DD had been head down, I probably would have tried a vaginal birth.

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  • I had a very large fibroid essentially blocking the exit which is why I had a scheduled c-section in the first place. I don't know about dilating, but I know that the location of the fibroid can make or break your ability to deliver vaginally. 
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  • I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and have a large fibroid that my Dr.s are monitoring very closely.  Earlier in my pregnancy the fibroid was up and to the left, but as I've gotten bigger the fibroid is now just to the left of my cervix and pushing it to the right.  

    I'm praying that it moves out of the way so I can have a chance at a vaginal birth, but won't be the least surprised if it doesn't work out that way.  I'm a bit bummed about it, but at the same time we've been waiting so long to have a baby in our arms I realize in the end it really doesn't matter how he gets here.

    BFP #1 6/20/06 M/C 9w4days
    BFP #2 12/2/08 M/C 5w4days
    BFP #3 6/9/09 M/C 4w4days
    BFP #4 6/22/10 M/C 8w
    Sept. 2010 DH Dx: chromosomal balanced translocation (4,10){q21,p15}
    BFP #5 5/12/11 M/C 7w1days
    BFP #6 8/6/11 Gavin Knox born 4/12/12!
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  • I had two large fibroids with my first pregnancy.  One was 13 cm, the other 11cm in diameter.  You can imagine how huge I was!! They kept DS breech the whole time so I had a c-section.  My dr recently did a robotic myomectomy to remove them. It is a minimially invasive surgery.  I has a cm incision above my belly button and a few other small slits where they put the laser in.   It was a cinch compared to the c-section.  This pregnancy feels way beter so far without them! I would recommend getting a second opinion from a doc who is trained to use the most current equipment (DaVinci).  Drs who aren't trained to use it don't recommend it.  Google it for more info.  GL!
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  • imageDeannaSue84:
    I had a c-section with my first baby. When I went for my 6 week check up my dr told me ill have to have c-sections with the rest of my pregnancies due to having a fibroid. She thinks the fibroid caused me to not dilate. Did anyone else experience this? Would you get a second opinion? They had me on pitocin too and I wouldn't dilate.

    I had a c/s with my DS 15 months ago. I went from 3cm to 10cm with in 3 hrs. I pushed for 5+ hrs and DS would not move down. As my doctor was doing my c/s she said "Oh he was sunny-side up" after he was out  she  then said "oh I forgot about your fibroid. She said I would have to have all my other children by c/s and she didn't want me have a TOL not a VBAC friendly practice/hospital . I  saw a new doctor and she told me if the fibroid was really the cause I never would have dilated as far (10cm) or as fast as I did. My new doctor also said the fact my DS was sunny side up and 8lbs 11oz didn't help. She believes it was his size and position not the fibroid . She also said there is no reason I can't have a Vbac. I see her on the 16th for baby #2. We will see what else she has to say.  

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