Late Term and Child Loss

What to do to celebrate birthday?

What would have been Jack's 4th birthday is coming up (1/16), I have taken the day off work, and would like to do something special that day with DD instead of my usual crying routine.

Any suggestions?

Bonus question: If you have other kids, or plan on having other kids, how do you explain to other DC about their angel-sibling? DD know's the picture on the bookshelf is Jack, and she will kiss the picture, etc. And though we have a while before we actually have to get into detail, I wonder how I will explain why her older brother isn't here. Just curious.


image Jack was born 1/16/08, died 1/25/08 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Re: What to do to celebrate birthday?

  • For Eliott's birthday, DH and I took a walk on the beach, and I wrote his name in the sand.  (We took a trip that weekend).  My friend also brought us a cake, with "One year in our hearts" written on it.  We lit one candle and sang happy birthday to him.  The cake is definitely a tradition I want to continue.
    Mom to Eliott Alexander, born sleeping at 37 weeks on 8/13/10. Most of us only dream of angels - I held one in my arms.
    BFP #2 - EDD 2/26/12 M/C 6/28/11 @ 5w2d
    BFP #3 - EDD 4/7/12 M/C 8/2/11 @ 4w2d
    Too beautiful for this earth
    BFP #4 - EDD 12/09/12, Lucille arrived 11/26/12
  • We did a big memorial/party back home for Adam cuz my family and friends were unable to attend the original memorial (I live several states away).  For upcoming birthdays, we will probably get ice cream as a family, sing happy birthday, and do a balloon release. 

    DD was 2 yrs 2 mo when Adam passed away.  We've always been honest with her in an age-appropriate manner.  At first, we told her Adam was an angel.  Then we said he was in the sky, then in heaven.  Recently that he passed away and he's an angel in heaven.  It changes from time to time.  I'm not sure how we'll explain it to the baby I'm pregnant with now, but we plan to always incorporate Adam into our family and to be open and honest about it. 

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  • Logan was born a couple days before Halloween.  The night I went into labor, DH had brought a pumpkin up to the hospital (I was on strict hospital bedrest) and carved it next to my bed since it's once of my favorite traditions.  I started to go into labor while he was carving it.  This year we bought pumpkins and did the same.  DH carved a pumpkin with Logan's name and a moon and stars.  We decided that since this is a Halloween tradition, we would combine it with Logan's birthday (October 28) and always carve a special pumpkin for him.  My mom also bought Logan a cupcake.  We'll probably do that every year too.

    I don't have any take home children yet, but DH and I decided already that we would have our children growing up "knowing" Logan.  I created a photo book on Shutterfly with the timeline/pictures of the pregnancy all the way through the NICU and one final picture from NILMDTS that simply says "Hereos are born in our dreams, Family is born in our hearts."  The book actually looks like a story book and we will read it to our children from the womb on.  I will have a copy of the book printed for each child as well.  We gave a copy to each set of grandparents too.   

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  • Am I Still a Big Sister?

    Dancing on the Moon

    We Were Gonna Have a Baby, but We Had an Angel Instead

    These are some books that we got for Katelyn after Kam passed.  She was 2 then but we started these around fourish....

    We explained all at once and just repeated alot.

    Kamryn was in a bad accident.  She got hurt very badly and the dr could not fix her body.  Jesus wanted Kamryn to be able to laugh and play so he took her to heaven and gave her a new healthy body that only works in heaven.

    She lives there now so she can have fun and be a happy baby.  Her old broken body is buried at her stone with her picture and if we leave flowers and presents there she can always look down and see them.  We can say prayers to Jesus and he can give her messages.

    Now she asks more questions as she is older and we handle them as they come. 


    As for the birthday, I don't know I haven't ventured from my room on Feb 8th in 3 years....This year DH says we are going out to eat and celebrating her life....We shall see.

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  • There is a book out there written for kids called, "someone came before you"
  • imageBeccaMarie:
    There is a book out there written for kids called, "someone came before you"

    This!!! This is the one I couldn't think of!! I want this for Gabriel so so very badly!!!!!  Thank you I was searching amazon and couldn't find it again, I found it a few weeks ago and waited to order it, I want to get it for him. 

    This book is supposed to be awesome, I really want it!!  I have been dreading approaching this subject with him, I don't know how to do it and books have been great for Katelyn. 

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  • Thank you for the responses on both questions. I have always celebrated to a certain extent-made him a cake, sang him happy birthday.
    image Jack was born 1/16/08, died 1/25/08 Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • We just had his first birthday a couple weeks ago...we didn't do anything too huge, just went to the cemetery and then to lunch with our families. I hope we may be able to develop more specific traditions in the future. No other children yet.

    Half the reason I posted though was just to point out that our babies have the same name and lived outside almost the same amount of time... 

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