Cloth Diapering

HELP! Starting to stock up..

Okay: I want to go the prefold route for the newborn stage...

I would get something like this right:

and then a cover like this:

Or am I way off base here? Anything else needed? How many of each for one baby? Sorry if I sound like a total idiot... I just want to make sure I buy the right stuff the first time around! lol 

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Re: HELP! Starting to stock up..

  • I'm getting the Imagine Smart Fit prefolds from in the newborn size.  As for the covers, I think the Thirsties ones might be a tad too big for the NB days, so I just got some sized NB covers (went with Bummis Super Brights).  I think for one baby getting 2 dozen prefolds and 4-5 covers would be good, and if you're planning to use something besides a trifold, the covers will last longer before washing.
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  • Please check out the FAQ. It covers a typical nb stash
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  • Definitely check out the FAQ's - they are super helpful and after 5 months of CDing, I still look at them weekly.  We bought mostly PF's and covers for the NB stage too and ended up hating PF's.  Then I had to use sposies until we hurried up and got a full stash of AIO'sSad  If you buy NB dipes used, you can literally resell the ones you don't like for 100% of what you paid.
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