I have many problems with my in-law's. Mostly it all boils down to them thinking that they know everything about parenting and that I'm just an idiot.
This week my daughter's daycare has been closed and I haven't been able to take off work, so finding a sitter has been rough. I hate them keeping her...I mean it was a last resort kind of thing.
Today my FIL brought DD to see me at work...which was great...but then he tells me that she was crying in her car seat so he got SIL to take her out of her car seat! WTF!!! Would you be mad? What would you say? I just don't know how to handle it without completly blowing up!
Re: What would you do?
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
Thank you! I'm just trying to make sure I'm not over reacting. She is ALWAYS in her car seat when she's with us! I was soooo mad, and it took alot for me not to show my butt!
DH talking to him is completly out of the question. I have had countless problems with his parents and he has pretty much flat out refused to talk to them about it. So, I have to be the b!t(h!!!
I lost my angels 07/2010, 04/2017, 10/2017
Meimsx no more
What would you do if they didn't live close enough to babysit?
You'd do something, right? Do that. It might cost a few bucks, or it might be more complicated, and it will piss them off... but they drive with a baby out of the carseat. That means we know who isn't capable of childcare.
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You better also spell out all the other things that are no-nos, then. No brandy for teething. Don't leave the baby alone with a dog. Don't let the baby climb the stairs. Don't let the toddler play outside alone. If you have to spell out every item of common sense... these just aren't people to trust alone with your kid. "keep seatbelts on" isn't rocket science.
Natural Birth Board FAQs
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BFP #1 9/7/10, EDD 5/14/11, Violet born 5/27/11.
BFP #2 4/9/12, EDD 12/16/12, M/C Rory 4/24/12.
BFP #3 10/6/12, EDD 6/16/12., Matilda born 6/17/13.
True I didnt really think of it that way.
This shows that he has terrible judgement and shouldn't be trusted to care for your kiddo.
My Blog: Naturally Mindful
I don't think I would be able to trust them with my child again. I would be a nervous wreck at work all day every day. And I would tell them that, and then make my DH tell them that as well. It sucks, but I would totally shell out for childcare after a move like that.
This! Seriously. I would almost, ALMOST call CPS on his ass. That is beyond illegal. But in all seriousness.... Do not leave DD in IL's care. Seems like it is more than just a situation where they do little things that they think are best and its become a situation where they are endangering the wellfare of your LO.
Ok, I guess I'm the odd one out here, but here's my opinion. Yes, I would be angry because it is dangerous, but I know that when I've been riding with LO while she's screaming, I have wanted to just take her out of her carseat and comfort her. I've never done it because I know that it's too dangerous to risk, but I can understand how he would have thought he was doing the right thing to help her stop crying.
I think in your situation, I would emphasize to them that 1) you're not worried about FIL's driving (or are you?), but he can't control what other drivers do, and an accident is just that - an accident. Would he be able to handle the guilt if something happened to LO because another driver hit him after he had allowed LO out of the carseat?, and 2) whether or not they think it's dangerous ("Oh, relax, I was the only car on the road." "I had the situation under control. Nothing could possibly have happened."), the fact is that it's illegal. It's illegal whether you're on a deserted gravel road or a city highway in rush-hour, whether you have the best driving record ever or the worst. Tell them that while they can decide whether or not to do things that are illegal that affect only them, you are not okay with them making that decision when it comes to your LO. They are to follow the law at all times when they have LO because the laws are usually there for a good reason and because you want them to set a good example for LO.
That's my 2 cents.
BFP1: DD1 born April 2011 at 34w1d via unplanned c/s due to HELLP, DVT 1 week PP
BFP3: DD2 born Feb 2013 at 38w4d via unplanned RCS due to uterine dehiscence
They also broke the law.
I wouldn't let them watch LO again. Period.
This. There is no way that man would have walked out of the office with my child. I will say I have a pretty understanding supervisor, so it's not like I'd be walking off the floor and losing my job, but if it were an issue where I could lose my job, whatevs. The safety of my child comes first. DD would never be left with him/them alone again. Period. And WTF at your SIL for actually doing what your FIL said and taking her out of her seat?! No friggin way!
natural miscarriage 4/11/10 @ 9 weeks 4 days
our miracle, Cecilia Mae, born 5/22/11