
Gifts for your references?

My DH adopted our beautiful baby girl in the fall. She will be baptized in a few weeks and I was thinking it would be nice to give a special gift to those that helped us along the way. 

Did anyone else give a gift to their adoption references as a way of saying 'Thank you'?

I was thinking of a gift basket but that seems too impersonal. Chocolate might be good too, but again would people think it's weird that I'm giving them chocolate for helping us along our adoption journey???

 Any ideas would help! Thanks :)

PS. We will finalize in a few weeks, once we get that out of the way I'll explain our situation. In the meantime I apologize for mostly lurking on this site...

We are very excited to adopt! Application sent to agency December 2010. Homestudy complete May 2011. We went into the books in July 2011. After years of trying it's nice to have a light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. DD born in September 2011. We finalize our adoption this week! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Re: Gifts for your references?

  • No, we did not give any of our references gifts, other than thanks for being our references. To me, the best gift would be continuing to be great parents and having your references in your lives.
  • With our failed adoption we did not give any gifts to the references and when our new birthmom is due I will not give any gifts to the references. If I am ever a reference for someone I would think it would be kind of weird for them to give me a gift (I am not saying you are weird...I think it is very, very sweet you are thinking of giving your references gifts!). I would just want to know they are happy! I can't wait to hear more about your story. I used to post here a little bit but now I mostly lurk.

    "A man makes a plan in his heart, but God directs his path." - Proverbs 16:9 My Blog
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  • We haven't given any gifts to our references, but most of them are people we see regularly, so for us it would be somewhat awkward, I think. Plus we already gave them gifts for Christmas. Lol
    I think personally if I felt like I wanted to do a little something "extra" for them I would just send a heartfelt thank you card.
  • We also didn't give them a gift. I did send them a thank you note.

                    Our Blessing From God Through Adoption
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  • We sent them each heartfelt thank you notes.  Anything more would have seemed over the top in these relationships.
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  • No gifts...that feels like payment. We are so close to our references, we see them all the time, so we just said thank you in person.
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  • Thanks for your feedback! I will go with a special thank you note that I can give them on our daughter's baptism day.


    We are very excited to adopt! Application sent to agency December 2010. Homestudy complete May 2011. We went into the books in July 2011. After years of trying it's nice to have a light at the end of a very long, dark tunnel. DD born in September 2011. We finalize our adoption this week! Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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