We had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday, and everybody looked wonderful! Baby A is measuring a day ahead at 13 oz, Baby B is also a day ahead at 12 oz. They were so active, playing with each other, that by the end we couldn't tell whose arm or leg was whose, hahaha. And the tech couldn't find any indication of a placenta fuse, so I'm even more convinced now that these little men are mono/di... But anyway, both boys look wonderful, thank goodness!
I did want to ask though, if anyone remembers the website that offers suggestions on how to encourage your LO's to change positions? Last month they were both transverse, now they are both breech. I know there's still plenty of time for them to get head down, but it would give me great peace of mind to get them there sooner than later, especially since they will run out of room soon!
Re: checkup and positioning ?