
5 months PP and pregnant with #2..risks?

My son is 5 months old and about a week ago we found out that we are expecting again. My first pregnancy went very well, no problems the whole way. He was born via C-Section due to being turned sideways in the birth canal. Since I'm pregnant again so soon after my c-section I am worried about the risks that may come with it. My scar seemed to heal well and I haven't had any unusual pain thus far. Input?
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Re: 5 months PP and pregnant with #2..risks?

  • Congratulations. There is an increased risk of uterine rupture. Talk with your doctor about it. H&H 39wks to you.

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  • I got pg with DS2 when DS1 was 6 months old. I was worried too and my OB said there really wasn't much increase in risk. It's not ideal through if you want to do a VBAC. I had a pretty easy pg with DS2 and it flew by b/c I didn't have time to stop to think about it since I was taking care of a baby already.

    Good luck! 2u2 that close is scary and can be hard at times BUT you will make it through. Now my boys are like best friends. They constantly are playing together and the giggles/laughs I hear coming from their room when they play is just wonderful.

    BFP 12/23/07, M/C 1/25/08 Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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  • imagenic5606:
    Congratulations. There is an increased risk of uterine rupture. Talk with your doctor about it. H&H 39wks to you.
    All of this.
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  • My doctor would be fine with it.  He told me we could start trying again at my 6 week checkup.  Not that we are though. :)
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  • I got pregnant when my daughter was 9 mos old.  after a section. Everything was fine.  Had a repeat section.

    My mom had two back to back sections (she was 2-3 months pp when she got pregnant again) at 41 years old...after having a vertical incision 20 yrs prior .  She also had no problems.  She just had to have amnios at the end to get the baby out before she had any labor and as soon as their lungs were developed (that was because of the vertical incision though)

    Obviously everyone is different but as long as your dr. feels that everything is going well, then I definitely wouldn't worry.   

    There may be increase risks of uterine abruption but the risk doesn't actually go up much.  Obviously anything can happen....but guess what...anything can happen in any pregnancy.

    The only thing is..like pp said, to have a vbac is pretty much out of the question.  

    Talk to your dr. about all of this.  To be honest both of my dr.;s cleared me for pregnancy at 3 months pp if I didn't want a vbac. 

    DD (8/12/09), DD (2/8/11)
    BFP 12/16/14| EDD 8/19/15 |MMC 1/15/15 (9 weeks 1 day)
  • imagenic5606:
    Congratulations. There is an increased risk of uterine rupture. Talk with your doctor about it. H&H 39wks to you.


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  • We got pregnant when my daughter was almost 3 months old... the doctor said I'll be more tired this pregnancy and my body will feel more achey, but that is all.  Will you try for a VBAC?  Some doctors dont allow that with pregnancies so close together.
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  • Congratulations!!

    According to my ob, if I wanted a VBAC I should wait 18mo to get pg again but if I was going for a RCS, it didn't matter.  I got pg with DS2 8mo after my first c/s and had not complications throughout the pregnancy.

    I did have pain in my incision area as I got further along but my ob told me it was normal and there were no concerns from it.  

    Had a very normal pregnancy, very routine repeat c/s.


    Caleb.02.01.08 | Asher.07.06.09 | Jude.01.19.12
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  • Congratulations!

    I find some of the replies interesting, especially the difference in wait times for repeat c/s vs. VBAC. My OB told me to wait 2 years, but never said why. That being said, my SIL got pregnant about 3 mos after her first c/s & never had any problems. 

    I guess I'd just talk to me OB & see what she says. Good luck & happy pregnancy!

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  • There is an increased risk of uterine rupture compared to the rest of the general population. However, my OB said the risk was really low (even with closely spaced pregnancies, it still happens less than 1% of the time) so it was not a risk I should concern myself with. My 2nd pregnancy was easier than my first.

    If you want a VBAC, you should ask your doctor if he/she will perform one. If it's important to you, look for another dr. My OB would have let me vbac even with deliveries less than 13 months apart.

    Most likely, you'll be fine. You're all healed by now. Enjoy your 2nd pregnancy and congrats!

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  • You can ask your OB for their own person opinion/experience, but it seems every ob is different. My OB ok'ed TTC at my 8 week appt. She said there is a minute increase in uterine rupture risk, but very negligible and not until you are actually contracting and in labor. She doesn't personally feel comfortable with VBAC until you have 18 months between c/s, but I wasn't interested in VBAC anyway. That being said, I am in MUCH more pain this pg. I was in pain with DS who was born at 9lb 2oz (I'm 4'11"), but this pg is very painful. I feel at least 40 weeks pg right now, with much more sharp pains. My uterus is very sore from what my OB assumes is scar tissue stretching. I can't say that I would personally get pg at 3 months pp again, but I think there's still quite a difference between 3 and 5 months pp.  
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  • I'm in the same boat as you!  Good luck to us :)
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  • There is always going to be a small small chance of uterine rupture since you had a c/s.  My Dr didn't have any concerns about us trying again right away.  We went back to our fertility Dr when my daughter was 5 months old.  No one was concerned...OB or RE.  I have now had 3 c/s in 3 years and am just fine as is my uterus :)

    Good luck and don't worry!  :)

    Daughter born July 2008; Daughter born March 2010 Son born August 2011
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