Anyone else have to wake up DC in the morning to get ready?
DD goes to bed at 8 and waking her up at 7:15 is so hard. It would be really rough to get her to bed before 8, but I don't know what to do. On mornings where it is really hard to wake her up, she ends up throwing a fit.
Any suggestions?
Re: If you have to wake up DC in the morning
I start by just opening his door and letting our 'getting ready' noises wake him. That seems to help a bit..but yeah, it sucks!
Thanks ladies! We are doing most of this - opening shades, keeping the door open, talking to her, trying to wake her up slowly. This morning I was asking her if she wanted some toast and this groggy voice whispers 'no'.
Having to wake DD up always makes for a bad morning, and I feel really badly about it.
I walk in and open the shades, and start singing quietly. I talk in a whisper until she seems to be awake, I also pick her up and slowly dance with her a little, extra cuddle time works a bit.
I have to wake her up at 6:45 during the week. It's like trying to get a teenager out of bed but luckily she wakes up happy, even if she is tired.
Of course on the weekends when she can sleep in, she's up at 6:30 raring to go!!!! Grrrrrr!
Of, and I turn on the light and talk to her softly while I get her clothes ready, then I'll rub her back, then tickle her feet then just pick her up if she isn't up by then. It's about a 5 minute process before I enforce that she get out of bed.
Fortunately dd goes to my cousins for the day. I pick her up and take her in her pj's. Sometimes she wakes up, sometimes she goes right back to sleep when we get there. She gets breakfast and gets ready when they are getting ready to go out to bring the other kids to school.
This morning, she was a WITCH. She kept telling me no and pulling the blankets back over her head. She was fine once we got to the car.