I have posted before but I am just not sure. DH loves the name my dads family loves the name my moms family doesn't just because its not there family name. Me well I am not sure. What do you think....
Walter Jon (walter is my grandpa and god fathers name, Jon is DH's name)
Last name starts with B ends with P and is 2 syl.
Re: boy name
My cousin is Walter, he is ~30.
I like Walter. I wouldn't use it, but it's not bad.
CJ 05/29/2013
I agree its a fine name. NMS, and reminds me of breaking bad..but if YOU love it..go for it.
Do you know how many people gave me a hard time about Whitney? "straight out of the 80's!!" "Whitney Houston?! Ick!"
I love it, its her...and I wouldn't change a thing.
This cracks me up as it appears that OP's first name just might be Whitney, owing to the Bump handle. As a Whitney myself, I say -- nice name choice! (P.S. Your daughter is adorable.)
lol- I'm a Whitney too. My parents went so far as to name me Whitney Elizabeth- and it turns out that her middle name is Elizabeth too x.x They claim they didn't know but I have my suspicions -shifty eyes-
Anyhow. Walter is a cute name. I only knew one in high school and he hated his name so much that he went by Derick instead.
haha. Yes I am a Whitney Too... my mom named my after whitney blake, I guess she was on a tv show from the 80's. I think whitney is a great name!
I think walter sounds like an old man
but its unique and a family name plus DH loves it. so we will see
Thanks! Yeah, I wondered if OP's name was actually Whitney too.
I got so much flack from my name choice. It was between Whitney and Natalie. No way she looks like a Natalie now. lol
I just want to give you a world as beautiful as you are to me.