
Jodi- of Joe and Jodi

I have been afraid of so many things my whole life. As you can tell from my FB page (if you've been paying attention!) I am getting over those fears.

All of a sudden I have this urge for my DH to get a motorcycle. I want to ride with him. I have been totally against them for so long, that this idea is a little on the wold side for me.

Anyway, we talked about it today and I totally thought of you. How you were against it and now you love it. I have a feeling I will, too! Then I thought, "Should we start out with a moped, lol. 

Re: Jodi- of Joe and Jodi

  • Do NOT, I repeat, DO NOT hop on a moped as a passenger with him.  Oh the humiliation!  ;)

    I'm afraid of everything.  I fight it all the time (especially with the kids).  Joe has a huge fast boat and gosh darned it if I'm not afraid of that thing every.single.time we go on it.  I do relax after a while (and a few drinks! LOL) and then I love it.  I just can't seem to get over the fear though. 

    The bike?  Same thing.  The first 10 minutes, I'm freaking out.  Then I start to relax and enjoy the ride.  Add in a few drinks and man, I love rippin' around on that thing!  But there is really just something about being on the bike with your man.  I can't explain it, really.  But it's pretty freaking amazing!  :)  So I say "go for it!"  Make it a Harley though!  ;)

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