I am 8 months pregnant and I have severe SI joint pain on my right side. I have been to my family doctor who prescribed pain killers and physical therapy (I don't take any pain medicine while pregnant.) I have been to the chiropractor, massage therapist, and tried yoga.
Nothing helps and it is getting worse. I am not able to walk without a lot of pain.
Has anyone had a similar experience? If so what did you try. If you have a specialist in the metro detroit area please include that info.
Re: SI Joint Pain
Did you try the physical therapy? That helped me when I was pregnant with DS. Also, swimming helped. The water took a much of weight off my back and made it easier to move around.
also u may want to try an si belt, it didnt work for me but that doesnt mean it wont work for you.my physical therapist recomended it so i ordered it. i spend about 35 dollars on it.