Kendall Rose & Brynn Marie decided to make an early arrival on Thursday December 22nd at only 32 weeks 5 days. Kendall was born at 12:15pm weighing 3 pounds 15 ounces and 16 1/2 inches long. Brynn was born at 12:17pm weighing 3 pounds 14 ounces 16 inches long.
Their Birth Story:
Tuesday morning I woke up with some blood when i went to the bathroom and went into the doctor right away. I was contracting frequently and dialated 2cm 80% effeced. They sent me over to L&D and checked me in. I was given steroids and meds to stop them from coming. My contractions got worse and kept coming even w/ being on the meds. I ended up being in "labor" until Thursday afternoon experiancing these contractions. They ended up checking me once they got close together and I went to 4 cm on Thursday morning so they put me right into have a c section.
The c section itself was no where near as bad as i thought it would be. I had a spinal tap which was weird to experiance but was much easier to handle than i had thought it would be. Soon after they started the girls both came out crying!
Since they arrived they have been in the NICU and Kendall has been progressing great, eating and breathing on her own. As far as Brynn though she's been giving us a hard time with her eating. She needs a PICC Line today until they can figure out what is wrong with some tests they're running. We're hoping it's nothing and that she's just a slow learner with eating or needs a new formula.
Otherwise Were very hopeful and happy that they are both breathing on their own and having a good over all out look. Cant wait for them to both be 100% healthy, put on some weight and come home w/ their momma!
No greater more fullfiling feeling in the world than being a mom and it's worth every thing hard or complaint i've ever had!
Re: Our Girls are here!
they are so precious! congrats!
prayers that their NICU stay is short and uneventful!
Peanut Butter and Jelly!
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Our crazy, wonderful life
Cut the Crap - Weight loss journey of a Few Fat Chicks
Congrats, they are absoultely precious!
After 22 cycles and tube removal our IVF miracle has arrived! Detailed IF and IVF info in bio.
Congrats on your girls! My Bryn was born at 33 wks 5 d and also needed a PICC line. She had a PDA, so once they identified it & treated it, she started making leaps and bounds.
Wishing your girls a short and uneventful NICU stay!
Thats so good to hear!