
Moms, what are you using for BC?

Since it took us two years and help from an RE to finally conceive, the idea of going back on birth control seems so silly to me but since we're not sure we want a third baby, I know I need to use something.  My OB prescribed me the mini pill until I decide what I want to do.  I'm pumping so my options are limited.  What method are you using and are you happy with it?

Re: Moms, what are you using for BC?

  • I felt the same way.  Since our IF was unexplained, my OB stressed that hormone changes from pregnancy can have an impact on fertility, so he wanted us to be aware of that.

    I ended up going on the pill, they put me on YAZ because I also have an issue with PMDD, and YAZ is supposed to help that.  I have not had any issues with it so far! 

  • I got a Mirena IUD put in.  I spotted for the first 4 or 5 weeks I had it, but that's the only problem I've had.  I haven't had a period yet, but supposedly the Mirena makes your periods lighter.

    I'm also pumping and the Mirena has not effected my milk supply at all.  My doctor suggested the minipill, but I was worried about having to take it at the same time every day.  The nice thing about the Mirena is that I don't have to take any pills and I don't have to worry about birth control for 5 years.  It also doesn't have any estrogen, so I don't have to worry about side effects from that- which I had when I was on the pill.

    Good luck figuring it all out!

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  • *singing in happy voice*

    Had my tubes tied, couldn't be happier!!


    I realize this is probably no help, but hey, I'm excited Stick out tongue

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  • i am on the mini pill. i just set my phone alarm to go off at the same time every day so that i dont forget to take it.
  • I was on the pill, but now I have Mirena- and I love it!
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  • I have the nuva ring and love it!
  • I don't know what I want to do.  I really don't think I want anymore kids (unless I win the lotto and can hire someone to help 24/7) but at the same time I don't want to go on the pill. I don't want all those hormones in my BM and since it took IVF to get pregnant I can't see it happening. But I guess since we were unexplained anything is possible.

    I'm a lot of help!  I need to figure something out though since I already got my first pp af.

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  • my birth control is in the picture below. heh. but also, i just got the mirena. so far, so good. i've only had it a few weeks, though. :)
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  • Like you, we just didn't see the point of going on BC since it took us 2.5 years and 2 IVF attempts to get PG with the boys.  We said that if a miracle happened we would be thrilled (and terrified).  And here we are, expecting number 3!

    If you really are unsure then I would elect some type of BC.  Back in the day I was using NuvaRing and really liked it.

    Good luck!


    My twins are 5! My baby is 3!

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  • I wanted to get my tubes tied, but didn't make the decision fast enough (long story).  So I had Mirena put in back in May and LOVE it!!! 
  • Considering we have sex about 1 time per month (It seems someone's always awake or crying so we never can find the time!) we just use condoms!
  • We aren't.  I know we are just asking for it.  The mini-pill didn't work for me (I kept forgetting it) and I went to have a Paraguard (IUD) placed but I had unprotected sex within 2 weeks and the dr couldn't promise I wasn't pregnant.

  • We used natural family planning successfully for four years before conceiving the boys (condoms before that). When AF comes back (I kind of had a sort of AF a few weeks ago) then we'll go back to NFP. I was regular before getting PG though so NFP was pretty reliable for us.
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