Single Parents

How'd you make money???

Ok everyone 

Im a SAHM and I need some extra money to pay off my hospital bills. Ive applied for millions apon millions of jobs but its hard because there were some complications with my c-section that prevents me to do much...Ive taken most of my books to powells book shop to sell but they only took like 2 out of 75 and gave me 5 ucks back... How did you ladies make money? 

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Re: How'd you make money???

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    I'm glad to see that you stuck around here after your past few post.  I thought you may have ran to look for puppies and rainbow answers.  I understand that you feel like money will make everything all better.  It won't.  If I were you I would seriously try getting help through organizations that will teach you the tools to become a successful single parent.  If you are not willing to ask your case worker then try your local church or family center.  Many of these programs offer housing and childcare too.  Most of those programs will also help with things like finding a job and providing proper care for your child.  Of course accepting any help from these programs is going to mean that you have to check your ego at the door and that they will know whats best.  I really do hope you get the help you need to make your family of two work in a healthy and safe way.  

    I may be way off here but I only have what you posted to go off of.   

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    I have read your previous posts. I have to say, first thing you need to do is stop using your c-section as an excuse for having limitations. Your daughter is over 2 months old. You should be pretty good to go at this point. Do you realize how many of us have had c-sections, and were perfectly able to get around in a few weeks? Maybe it would help us understand, if you shared what kind of complications there are.

    Your situation with living with your mom, makes you sound like a whiny brat. She is letting you live there. Giving you a roof over you and your child's head, and a bed to lay in. So no, I don't blame her for wanting to set down rules in her own home, but not wanting your "SO" stay the night there. If you are old enough to have a child, you are old enough to respect that it is her house, her rules.

    You continue to cycle the same questions about money/assistance/loans, on various boards. You don't like the answers you are given, so you shop the same question around (just worded differently).

    If you want financial help, you need to swallow your pride. Many of us who have realized we need to provide for our children, have done just that. No it is not easy to admit you need help. However, being a parent means knowing and doing what is best for your child. 

    I believe you need serious counseling, parenting classes, and basic skills training. So you can be strong enough to do this on your own (without thinking you need to depend on a deadbeat SO). 

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    Child support. 
  • Options's called a job.  I have worked my way up in my firm and recently took a huge test that, if I pass, will mean many, many more possibilties.  In short, I work my asss off.
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    I am in PR (Public Relations) and I work my ass off and then some.  I live on coffee and then I work more.  That sums it up!
    Tina Mommy to "M" (age 6.5) and "K" (age 4.5) I am a single mommy who represented myself in a 2.5 year custody battle and divorce. Find me on Twitter: OneMomsBattle My Blog:
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    I, too, make money by going to work every day.  I'm at work now, and I was working Friday.  Unless you have some crazy serious complications, you shouldn't have any effects from a c-section prohibiting you from working by now.  5 days out from my second c/s I was taking care of two kids and getting my almost 2 year old out of the crib, bathed, and dressed daily. 

     From reading your other posts my advice to you (that you don't want to hear) is you need to cut off this new boyfriend (the 'DH' as you call him), suck up to you mom and make peace with her since you do have to live under her roof, help her out as much as possible so she may help you with some childcare while you finish school and then get a job.  Then save some money and move out and be a responsible, self-sufficient mother.

    C-section rates in the US hover around 30%, so having a c-section is not that uncommon and no reason to use an excuse two+ months out.

    DD1 01.19.07
    DD2 11.17.08


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    It's called, "growing up and learning to be an independent and strong woman and putting my child before me". 

    I dropped out of high school at 16. Got my GED at 18. Had DD at 19. I went on Medicaid. I got Food Stamps. I used government grants for child care. I worked 20 hours a week. And, I went to trade school for another 20 hours a week. When DD was 2, I graduated with an AAS, and got a job working in IT with Southwest Airlines.

    I had court ordered child support, but learned quickly a court order doesn't mean you actually GET child support. There is nothing wrong with using government assistance, but you have to use it for what it was intended...AS TEMPORARY ASSISTANCE. If you can't find a job, talk to the umemployment offices. Most offer retraining. Medicad does if they won't. McDonald's has insurance, and they're ALWAYS hiring. 

    The result when you do it the RIGHT way? Nearly 16 years later, I support myself and my fifteen year old without government assistance. At the moment, my parents are letting me stay there since I don't make enough to pay 1000 in rent and 1000 in child care AND I expect to lose my job when I deliver (don't qualify for FMLA). But, I'm saving a LOT to cover the time I'll be unemployed, and I know I can get another job...probably one that pays better.

    Bottom line: GROW UP and stop making excuses.

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    Count me among the employed, you. Should give it a try.
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/9/11 - 34:24 - 1st race evah!
    Kelly Monaghan's 5K - 5/15/11 - 3rd Place in AG
    Walk the Talk 5K - 5/18/11 - 31:12 PR
    Ridley Run 3.1 - 4/14/12 - 1st race of the year, 32:45
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    Well, I don't get child support....if I filed I very well may have to pay STBX since he is a deadbeat. 


    Anyways, I work FT as a paralegal and PT as a server.  Basically I live a horrible existence of either being at work (job 1 or job 2) or being a FT mom of a 2 and 5 year old.  When I don't have the girls (Thursday nights, Sunday nights and every other Friday and Saturday) I work my PT job serving for quick cash.  I work between 40 - 70 hours a week.  However I get no assistance from anyone.  I pay the Mtg, electric, gas, phone, cable, car, insurance, HELO, debt, daycare, before/after school care, grocery, birthday party, Christmas, clothing, bills all by myself.  My bills are 4300 a month.....never mind the gas for the 70 mile commute to work, the 6.00 a day in tolls.......throw in if I want a bottle of wine on a Friday night to relax once a month....


    In essence, every waking moment I am working, it may be by taking care of my kids or by a job that pays me for my skills....I maybe get 10 hours a month to myself to enjoy.  does it suck?  YES, but it will pay off and my 2 beautiful girls are worth that and so much more.   

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