
Grocery Delivery

Anyone use any delivery company they would recommend?  I am thinking for the last month or so of pregnancy, possibly into some months with newborns, I may have to do this since my husband's work schedule is long and crazy (medical resident).  

Our local grocery stores aren't national chains (other than Walmart, Costco, etc) so I can't directly use a delivery service provided by the store.  I have heard of Peapod and have started looking into that....

Anyone with experience with grocery delivery have some feedback on their experience?  I am worried about the cost difference (aka: the delivery company choosing name brand items, etc vs generics), but we just might not have a choice since family doesn't live close by to help out.   

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Re: Grocery Delivery

  • No recs but I wanted to do this. I wish I had! You should go for it. :)
    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers

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  • We used Peapod after the babies arrived for about 8 months, and it was wonderful. The prices were about the same as the store, and delivery was $10, although about half the time, I got coupon codes that made delivery free. They brought the groceries right inside your house and made it so easy. The only reason we stopped is b/c the babies love the grocery store and it's a good Saturday activity between naps.
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  • My mom used peapod for quite awhile, since she didn't live near a store and didn't drive. It was pretty comparable to store pricing and the service was quite good.

    The other thing would be amazon. They also have a lot of grocery items. 

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  • we like peapod a lot...i recently used them a few times b/c the thought of going to a supermarket made me super nauseous given i was puking at every yes, we opted for delivery.  

    i have received a lot of coupons that do make delivery free and the prices are basically the same as stop n shop as that's the store they get the stuff if u have a stop n shop card u will get discounts as well.  

    i liked it better than fresh direct bc they had more selections ...the only thing to note is that the few times i did order they were out of a few things and gave me substitutes to what i had ordered....they did a decent job at the substitutions and will take it back if you aren't satisfied but i guess it annoyed me that each time i didn't get what i had ordered...

    overall it's a great service!!! 

    Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
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