D.C. Area Babies

Leesburg area daycare???:)

I just decided to go back to work this week and need to find a daycare center asap! I'm ok with in-home but like the idea of a center a little better....does anybody have any req's? I'm touring Leesburg Goddard tomorrow but I've heard they're a bit pricey and I was looking into Open Arms too....and if you do have in home req's too I'd appreciate those also!
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Re: Leesburg area daycare???:)

  • my friend has her son at that daycare (maybe she'll chime in) and they love it; we go to one of their other locations and love it, too! The infant room is very pricey, $1700-$1800/mo!

    FWIW, we didn't start until my DD was 18mo old


  • We are in Ashburn but I've heard great things about the leesburg open arms. 
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