Babies: 6 - 9 Months

getting in crib with baby to get him/her to sleep

i confess. I've done it. Anyone else?

I do not want her to cry it out. I am just trying to help her get used to her crib. She is 9 months and used to her carseat and rock and play for naps/night. Any suggestions for soothing that don't involve climbing in the crib like a nutjob? I do want her to be aware where she is falling asleep so I don't really want to rock her to sleep because I know she will just roll to her belly and wake herself up (insert repeat rocking 100 times/night) I am reading the no cry sleep solution but I was looking for ideas ffrom you ladies. Also, the crib is in our room. No option to move it.

Thanks for any helpful suggestions. No judging please.

I did ferber with my first two but it doesn't suit her personality and I don't want her to cry.

Re: getting in crib with baby to get him/her to sleep

  • You get IN the crib with her? That doesn't sound safe at all.

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  • I'm not sure the crib would support me!
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  • My ass would collapse a crib, so no I haven't. I have laid her in bed with me. That seems much easier than the pole vault into the crib.
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  • ha ha.....not to sound like an ass but I am pretty small (which I guess I should have pointed out) and it is a sleigh crib that converts to a toddler bed. It's heavy and made really well with wooden platform slats to support the crib mattress. I actually called the manufacturer when my son was using it as a toddler bed to see what the weight limit was and I was told 200 pounds. My dd is 20 and I am about 125-130 so it is as safe as cosleeping (which I would be way to scared to do- althought I do not judge those who do) My older son comes in with us at times and I do not trust my dd to sleep with my husband or any bedding. I am a strict no bumper, no blanket no stuffed animals or pillows in the crib kind of person)
  • imagesmiles1123:
    ha ha.....not to sound like an ass but I am pretty small (which I guess I should have pointed out) and it is a sleigh crib that converts to a toddler bed. It's heavy and made really well with wooden platform slats to support the crib mattress. I actually called the manufacturer when my son was using it as a toddler bed to see what the weight limit was and I was told 200 pounds. My dd is 20 and I am about 125-130 so it is as safe as cosleeping (which I would be way to scared to do- althought I do not judge those who do) My older son comes in with us at times and I do not trust my dd to sleep with my husband or any bedding. I am a strict no bumper, no blanket no stuffed animals or pillows in the crib kind of person)

    So you're not sleeping in the crib with her?

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  • Oh my goodness no! I guess I didn't explain it well. I was  just getting in and laying with her until she fell asleep. Then I started sitting in the corner of it and patting her back or belly until she fell asleep. If she would wake up in the middle of the night I would jump in and lay with her for a second until she fell back asleep and then get back into bed.(I know that makes me sound like a looney bin but we've all been desperate for sleep) I had it pushed up against my bed. Then she got ear infections and colds for weeks on end which brought us back to the rock and play. Now the crib is across the room and I am ready to committ to it for good. I am just looking for ways to do this without her crying but also making her aware of her surroundings so she can put herself back to sleep if she wakes in the middle of the night.
  • 9 months old?  Climbing in the crib???  huh?

    ...time to toughen up a bit and let her CIO.  Crying won't kill a child, let her CIO, it will take a couple nights but then the child will learn to sleep on their own.

  • If E wakes up in the night I can usually just rub her back and shush her to sleep. Or I rock her. I'm selfish, I love those midnight baby snuggles.
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  • imageIvana.Stolichnaya:

    9 months old?  Climbing in the crib???  huh?

    ...time to toughen up a bit and let her CIO.  Crying won't kill a child, let her CIO, it will take a couple nights but then the child will learn to sleep on their own.

    The OP said CIO does not suit her DD's personality.  She's looking for suggestions that don't involve CIO.  CIO is not the best solution for every baby and not doing so does not make a person weak.

    OP - Do what works for you and your LO and don't feel guilty for responding to her needs.  Your method is different, but not wrong.  If your DD will fall asleep with you in the corner of the crib patting her back, it seems like the next step would be patting her back while not in the crib.  Another option might be to side-car the crib, but that could be a step backwards. . . That works well for my DD who still wakes to eat at night.  She has her own sleeping space when needed and I can nurse her quickly when she needs it.  I hope you find a good solution soon.

  • I just want to say that a good friend of mine did the climb in the crib thing for a while.  I don't think you're crazy.  Good luck!
  • Personaly I don't and wouldn't. One, I would break the crib, and two I don't feel it would work for our family. If its working for you, I say do it. If you and your baby are happy whos to tell you any different. You know your LO better than anyone. When the day come that this is no longer working, deal with it then! I would still be rocking LO to sleep at night if it was working for him. If its not broke, don't fix it.
  • imageHyfagal:
    My ass would collapse a crib, so no I haven't.


    YUP! That's me!

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  • I have to say, the visual I have of you laying in the crib (and then huddling in the corner of the crib) is cracking me the hell up. I guess because I'm 5'10" so I wouldn't even come close to fitting in a crib, so the thought of it is making me laugh.

    I will say, you aren't the first person I've heard of doing this. Whatever works! 


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  • This is funny, but I totally understand. I've done/do crazy things to get my kid to sleep, too! Since I nurse my LO to sleep, I lay her in a floor bed (just a twin mattress on the ground) so that I can easily and quietly roll away when she's asleep. It has worked a lot better than when I used to nurse her then wake her up when I set her down. This might be a consideration for you, since it's a bit more sustainable than getting in the crib. Plus, I like the Montessori approach to a floor bed and the availability of the environment to the baby. 
  • I haven't but I have thought about it.  If I knew my crib's weight limit was that high I would have done it!  If it works go for it!!  I pulled a chair up (bar height) and sat next to it a few nights patting her to sleep.  These were the nights that I wanted to climb in but after about a week we were good.  GL
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  • imagelindsay.lou:

    I have to say, the visual I have of you laying in the crib (and then huddling in the corner of the crib) is cracking me the hell up.

    This. I have never gone in the crib with her but I've never really thought to do it. The crib seems so small for both of us (it's a full sized one, but still.) I am also wondering how you get out without disturbing the baby?

    Your post makes me laugh, but I'm not judging you. If it works for you, that's great.



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  • i'm a fan of doing whatever works for you.  that said, i would also break our crib.  and how do you get out without waking her?  i would totally fall out/fall on her/break a bone.

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  • Where does your LO nap?  Initially, my DD refused to sleep in her crib - the transition from bassinet to crib was a bit rocky.  I tried placing her the crib for naps, just so she could get use to the idea of being in there.  Sometimes she would sleep for 10 min sometimes a few hours.

    HTH, somehow

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  • imagelindsay.lou:

    I have to say, the visual I have of you laying in the crib (and then huddling in the corner of the crib) is cracking me the hell up. I guess because I'm 5'10" so I wouldn't even come close to fitting in a crib, so the thought of it is making me laugh.

    I will say, you aren't the first person I've heard of doing this. Whatever works! 


    I'm right there with you!

    And, I agree, do what works, as long as you're sure you're being safe. 

  • My sister's first didn't sleep alone in his crib until he was ONE! She tried everything.... including climbing into his crib with him... A LOT.

    He's now nine and sleeps fine on his own in his own bed.

     Do what you have to do... she'll be ok

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  • If you want a good laugh check out this dad in his DDs crib!!!


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  • OMFG!!! That was too hysterical!  I was almost crying in the beginning because I felt bad for LO, then I laughed so hard that I almost spilled the 2 bottles I'm pumping and peed the couch!  I'm posting this on June too!



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  • Haha I'm not coordinated enough to get in and out of the crib without waking her up. I'm a sloppy mess and trip up the stairs 99% of the time, so no I've never gotten into the crib to sleep with her.  
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  • it is a sleigh crib that converts to a toddler bed. It's heavy and made really well with wooden platform slats to support the crib mattress. I actually called the manufacturer when my son was using it as a toddler bed to see what the weight limit was and I was told 200 pounds. My dd is 20 and I am about 125-130 so it is as safe as cosleeping (which I would be way to scared to do- althought I do not judge those who do) My older son comes in with us at times and I do not trust my dd to sleep with my husband or any bedding. I am a strict no bumper, no blanket no stuffed animals or pillows in the crib kind of person)

    I did read the manual. And call the manufacturer. I stated that in the beginning.

  • commented on wrong post

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  • Have you read the "No cry sleep solution" book or "sleeping through the night"

    These really helped me get both kids (I re-read it for DS because he had other sleep issues)  to go to sleep awake/ tired/drowsy to asleep on his own without crying. 

    I will be honest....the no crying solutions take a lot of time, patience, and consistency but it does work! I took almost 5 months to completely get him to fall asleep in his crib alone and be a great sleeper at night/naps.  

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  • imageundesirablenumber1:


    Am I reading it correctly that your son also gets in the crib with you???

    no you are not. when my 4 year was two and in the crib (converted to a toddler bed), I would lay with him for a story before bed.

  • I agree with a few toys in the crib. Not soft, plush ones but a rattle or something plastic so she can entertain herself. 
    Have you thought of pushing the crib up to your bed? That way she could be on your side of the bed, and you could be lying next to her,but you'd both be in the bed. 
    Is she too big for an Arm's Reach co-sleeper that attaches to the bed? Thayer seems like it could help, too. 
    Good luck!
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  • Why not sleep in your bed with her and let DH sleep in the crib?

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  • imagetoadstool:

    I have to say, the visual I have of you laying in the crib (and then huddling in the corner of the crib) is cracking me the hell up.

    This. I have never gone in the crib with her but I've never really thought to do it. The crib seems so small for both of us (it's a full sized one, but still.) I am also wondering how you get out without disturbing the baby?

    Your post makes me laugh, but I'm not judging you. If it works for you, that's great.

    Me too! I seriously am laying here in bed laughing out loud with my H looking at me like I've lost my mind. Seriously I would break the crib and kill both of us in the meantime. I have a bad cough and am now hacking from laughing. Oh my.

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