Earlier this week one of my nipples began hurting after DD nursed. It looked a little red and swollen and it was hard to get milk out of that breast. It was very tender and almost felt like it was burning with occasional shooting pains. The next day everything was back to normal. This morning, DD bit down (she doesn't have teeth yet) and it was uncomfortable and then I noticed the pain again afterwards. But the pain hasn't gone away and it's red and swollen again along with the same burning sensations. We were at the pedi today for DD's 9 month check-up and she checked DD for thrush but didn't find anything. She gave me a cream medication just in case, but I'm wondering if it might be something else. Anyone else deal with this? Is it just from her biting? I'm sure she's teething which would explain the biting, but I'm not sure if it's another problem.
Re: Nipple pain question
I started getting similar discomfort around the same time, but without the shooting pain (and also with no teeth in sight), and still get it from time to time. DS did end up getting thrush but it's fully cleared up, so watch for it just in case.
For me, it rarely hurts to nurse, but will start being a little sore after and tends to go away after a few minutes or so. The only thing I can think of at this point is that my cycle is making a comeback and maybe that's making me more sensitive, and also that DS is now tending to pull or be a little more aggressive and distracted than he used to be, so maybe that's taking a toll too.
Curious to see if anyone else has ideas!